1054 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh parish council meeting held on Thursday, 5th January, 2023 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish councillors present: Cllr Thompson; Chairman,…
Category: Parish Council
February 2023 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Loveday, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting To Members of the public: – you are…
November 2022 Minutes
1052 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh parish council meeting held on Thursday,10th November 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish councillors present: Cllr Davis, Cllr…
January 2023 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Loveday, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting To Members of the public: – you are…
October 2022 Minutes
1050 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th October 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish councillors present: Chairman: Cllr…
November 2022 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Loveday, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting You are hereby invited to attend the meeting…
September 2022 Minutes
1049 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh Parish council meeting held on Thursday, 1st September at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish Councillors present: Mr. Thompson; Chairman,…
October 2022 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Loveday, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting You are hereby invited to attend the meeting…
June 2022 Minutes
1043 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh Parish council meeting held on Thursday, 9th June 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish Councillors present: Mr. Thompson;…
July 2022 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting You are hereby invited to attend the meeting…
Annual Parish meeting Minutes (Draft)
Minutes of the Alburgh Parish Meeting, 5th May, 2022 The Vice Chairman of Alburgh Parish Council, Mrs. Davis was present and therefore presided. She welcomed 5 parish councillors, Mrs…
May 2022 Minutes
1041 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh Parish council meeting held on Thursday, 5th May 2022 at 7.15pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish Councillors present: Mrs Davis;…
June 2022 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting You are invited to attend the meeting of…
Annual Parish Council Agenda May 2022
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com Notice of Meeting To Members of the Public: – you are…
April 2022 Minutes
1039 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh Parish council meeting held on Thursday, 7th April 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish Councillors present: Mrs Davis;…
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda
ALBURGH ANNUAL PARISH MEETING The Alburgh Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 5th May, 2022 at 7.00pm in Alburgh Village Hall. AGENDA Welcome by…
March 2022 Minutes
1037 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh Parish council meeting held on Thursday, 3rd March 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish Councillors present: Mrs Davis;…
April 2022 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com You are hereby invited to attend the meeting of Alburgh Parish Council…
February 2022 Minutes
1035 ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Alburgh Parish Council meeting held on Thursday, 3rd February 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall. Parish Councillors present: Mrs Davis:…
March 2022 Agenda
ALBURGH PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP Tel: 07908253095 e-mail: alburgh@btinternet.com You are hereby invited to attend the meeting of Alburgh Parish Council…