Alburgh has a Parish Council of seven members elected all together every four years. Casual vacancies are normally filled by co-option. Parish councillors serve on a voluntary basis but the council employs a part-time clerk (Dave Richardson) to provide administrative support. Dave can be contacted by email parish-council at
Members of Alburgh Parish Council are as follows:
- Mark Thompson (Chair) Contact chair at
- Kim Croucher (Vice Chair)
- Dean Gibson
- Dave Hackett
- Andy Hall
- Mark Newson
- Jon Price
Responsibility for several areas of local governance including (but not limited to);
- Recreation grounds, children’s play areas, playing fields
- Review of local Planning Applications
- Allotments
- Provision of Village Hall which is managed by the Village Hall Committee
Standing Orders
Standing Orders are the document which governs the Parish Council. The Standing Orders can be viewed here.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct sets out who the members of the Council shall perform their public duties. The Code of Conduct can be viewed here.
Declaration of Interests
All councillors are required to complete a Declaration of Interest upon commencing their service on the Council. This lays out their ownership of land in the parish and any other interests which might be relevant. The returns from members of Alburgh PC can be seen here on the South Norfolk Council website. Please note we are in the process of working with South Norfolk Council to get this information up to date.
Financial Regulations
The Financial Regulations document how the council manages finances. The full Financial Regulations can be viewed here.
Parish council meetings are held every month at the Alburgh Village Hall, usually on the first Thursday of each month. Meetings start at 7.30 pm and members of the public are always welcome to attend.
There is a ten minute slot early in the meeting which gives residents the opportunity to bring any relevant issues to the attention of the Council. Please be aware the ten minute limit is defined by Government statue and is not a restriction imposed by the Parish Council. The Council do not need to respond to questions/queries at the meeting and can set as agenda item for next meeting if deemed appropriate.
Additional meetings may be called if significant urgent issues dictate.
Agendas and minutes of meetings are posted on this website (see link section at bottom of this page) and notice of meetings also posted on the village Facebook page and also on the Village noticeboard at the Village Hall.
Annual Meeting
The Council holds an Annual Meeting, normally in May, when the Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by the Council.
Minutes Archive
2024/25 agendas & minutes can be found here
The minutes of previous meetings can be found in the Minutes Archive
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
A Data Protection and Privacy Policy details how the Council uses data. The full Data Protection Policy can be found here.
Complaints Policy
The Complaints Policy details how the Council deals with any complaints that are received. The Complaints Policy can be viewed here.
Co-option Policy
The members of the Parish Council are elected by public vote every three years. In between those times, if a vacancy occurs on the Parish Council, the Co-option Policy allows them to co-opt additional members until the next full election.
Risk Assessments
The Council has adopted a Risk Assessment document that covers its activities. The Risk Assessment can be viewed here.
How the Council Pays its Way
Each year the Council funds its activities by ‘precepting’ a sum of money, £8,000 for the current 2025/2026 financial year, from the South Norfolk District Council. It is collected, with the sums required by the County Council, District Council and Police Authority, as part of all parish households’ Council Tax.
Council are Affiliated Members of;
Links to Other Parish Council Documents;