Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 7th June 2012 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. K. Love
Mr. E. Renaut
Mrs. Goose
Mr. R. Morris
Also attending:
Mr & Mrs. Gedge
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs. J. Pearce
3 Members of the Public
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the May 2012 meeting were amended and signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
No declaration of interest from members was declared.
Public Participation
Mr. & Mrs. Gedge went to the meeting at Loddon on ‘Protect our Paths’. Footpath maintenance is being cut. Rural paths are only going to be inspected once every five years and unlikely to be cut or maintained. If a lane is completely blocked they would probably come out. You can report any findings on a web site and Mr & Mrs. Gedge are happy to do this. If anybody has anything they wish to report they can let Mr. & Mrs. Gedge know or report it themselves.
Matters arising
PC Tim Tyler has been out to see the person who has been caught speeding 4 times but she does not accept this.
As reported last meeting, Mr. Bond asked to put a stone in the churchyard. It was reported that when asked, Mr. Flatt said no to this but when Mrs. Goose spoke to Mr. Flatt he said that this was not the case and he was happy for this to be done. Clerk to write to Mr. Bond to tell him that he needs to seek clarification from the parochial church council. If he wants to put a seat in the millennium garden he has approval from the parish council providing he installs it to our specification and at his expense.
Letter of thanks for our grant of £2,500 towards the resurfacing of the village hall car park received from Mrs. Goose, Alburgh Village Hall Committee
Visit to Costessey Recycling, 11th June 2012 at 2pm – Several people would like to attend. Mr. Denny will e-mail details so that lifts can be arranged.
Affordable Housing Meeting, 20th June 2012 – 4 parish councillors agreed to attend.
Parking at the School – Mrs. Love reported that there has been a few knocks and bumps at the school. Discussions on whether double yellow lines could be put in front of the school and whether it would work as this would not be policed. Another idea was for the school to be permitted by highways to put cones outside the school to prevent parking. Clerk to ask highways to come out and repair pot holes and replace the sign which we have previously asked them to do. Clerk to write to school to suggest to them about the cones. Mrs. Love will also have a word with the headmaster.
Planning at the School – We have been consulted on a planning application from NCC for the school to replace one mobile classroom with another. Councillors comments are as follows:
- This has generated so much paperwork.
- Cost of worthless assessments is ridiculous.
- Is time a proper accommodation was built for the pre school – not another 5 year shed!
- Why are we being asked to inform the neighbours.
Clerk to inform NCC of our comments.
Playing Field Report
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn did inspection. All was neat and tidy.
There was some dog mess left. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn left a note that this must not be left.
Mr. Denny said how disappointed he was that the grass was not cut for the jubilee celebrations.
Clerk to write letter to Norse.
Playing Field Committee Report – Update on fundraising
Work has not started yet. Mr. Denny will chase this up.
More funds are still required, approx £6,000. A band has been booked for November, 17th.
Mr. Denny will speak to Saffron concerning their grant. Local businesses to write to were also discussed.
Information from Mrs. Pallister has been in to circulation re: Local Development Framework and Greentiles, Station Road, Alburgh. When this was discussed before, it was agreed to bring Station Road in to the development boundary. Mrs. Coe and Mrs. Pallister would seek planning permission for either one or two dwellings on the site. These dwellings would be in keeping with the character of the village and designed to be eco-friendly, while tidying up the site. At present there are no designs to present to the Parish Council but Coe/Pallister are seeking an
agreement in principle to proceed with a planning application. The parish council agrees in principle that they would support an application for no more than 2 houses.
Applications received: None
Decisions received: Mr Paul Whymark, The Cartlodge, Mill Road, Alburgh. Proposed conversion of the barn for residential use. Approved with conditions.
Jubilee Committee report
This was a very good day and Mr. Denny gave thanks to everyone who helped. There are a few coins left and it was agreed that they should be charged out at £3.00 each.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20
|Norse – Grounds Maintenance 6 monthly charge £186.36
Joy Playgrounds Ltd – Deposit for play equipment £6,586.50
APCC £675.00
Receipts: £2,000 from SNC – Grant for playing field
£40.00 Village Book
£163.00 donations to playing field from jubilee collection
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- Changes to Planning Committee procedure; this will no longer be called the planning committee now called development management committee.
- It is being discussed that meetings will be starting at 1pm instead of 1.30pm and reducing public speaking time to 3 minutes from 5 minutes. This is to speed up planning committee meetings. This is being discussed so not finalised yet.
- Waveney neighbourhood board, supporting youth and vulnerable older people. Of the £80,000 available, 30 activities are asking for money from that fund.
- Standards Board regime is being disbanded.
Public Participation
Items for next Agenda
Homersfield Picnic Site, disabled access needs attention. Clerk to write to NCC.
Mrs. Pearce – Internal Audit 2012
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.40pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 5th July 2012.
Additional Item – Audit 2012
Mr. Denny, Mrs. Love, Mr. Renaut, Mr. Morris, Mrs. Goose stayed behind after the meeting to approve the annual return for 2012. This was all agreed and signed ready to be sent to the audit commission.