Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday, 5th April, 2012 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. K. Love
Mr. E. Renaut
Mrs. Goose
Mr. R. Morris
Also attending:
Mrs. Gedge
Mrs. P.Wright
1 Member of the Public
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the March 2012 meeting were signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
No declaration of interest from members was declared.
Public Participation None
Matters arising
The hedge in Burntoak Lane has been trimmed. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn thanked Mr. Watts for doing this.
Norfolk Playing Fields Ass Newsletter
South Norfolk Community Empowerment Pilot – Shaping services in your area
NRCC Signpost
Above in circulation
Home Watch – E-mail received giving a local policing update for the Harleston neighbourhood. Harleston, Earsham and Wortwell have been the target for burglars over the past few days. Two properties have been entered, one whilst the householder was at home and the door unlocked. The items stolen have included a sat nav, cash, digital camera and a handbag. All the items tend to be those which can easily be carried out. Please be very careful with your car keys as offenders are taking keys and then driving off in the car. Anything suspicious, please report to the police.
Update on Affordable Housing
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn and Mr. Renaut attended a meeting of the Design Review Panel on the 12th March. The Architect gave a report – aided by various photos and plans of the site and surroundings, the panel asked several questions which were explained and discussed. The colour of the tiles, porches and lighting were discussed. It is hoped they agreed on the dark tiles to match Long Acre and Mr. Renaut’s house and also sensor lighting. As a matter of routine they have to test for newts as there are ponds nearby and they have dug some holes in the plot to test the drainage. This will go to planning by the end of March. We are now in to April and we have not heard any more.
Speed Watch/SAM Report
Mrs. Goose has SAM back again for two weeks which will be used as well as the Speed Gun. This year the TISPOL speeding campaign, which is held annually by the National Police Forces, are not asking for special sessions during the week of the campaign. Mrs. Goose will be doing this 16th – 22nd April 2012.
Playing Field Report
Mr. Renaut did inspection. The hedge which we had’ layed’ now has twigs growing out which need trimming. Mr. Denny will ask John Whitton to do this.
Mr. Denny asked councillors to give the Oak Tree a bucket of water when they do weekly inspection. Discussions on putting a commemorative plaque up. All thought this was a good idea and thoughts would be given to this.
Mrs. Goose said that the Jubilee Committee would like a plaque for the jubilee rose as well.
Playing Field Committee Report – Update on fundraising
Mr. Denny attended the Neighbourhood Grant meeting and they have approved our application for £2,000 for play equipment. This was praised by the panel.
Fund raising carried out in March has raised the following amounts:
Champagne and Cup Cakes £228.00
Race night £320.00
Toddlers Disco £226.12
Mr. Denny gave thanks to Mrs. Gladden-Fenn for organising the race night and Mrs. Walton for organising the Champagne and Cup Cakes afternoon.
Clerk to write a letter to Melanie Bartram and her husband to thank them for their help in arranging the Toddlers Disco.
Decisions received: None
All councillors attended a site meeting to discuss the planning application in Mill Road. All were in agreement to recommend a refusal.
Jubilee Committee report
A meeting of the Jubilee Committee was held to discuss the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebration to be held on 2nd June, 2012 at Alburgh Village Hall.
Two grants have been applied for, one from SNC and the other from NCC.
Suggestions of how the day should run along with estimated times for the days programme were discussed. A further meeting was arranged for the 8th May to finalise arrangements.
It was also suggested that on the day we have a bucket on the bar, etc requesting donations to the playing field equipment.
AGM/Parish Meeting
It was decided to hold the AGM on 3rd May, 2012. Parish meeting to be held on the 10th May, 2012 starting at 7.30pm.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £186.80
NALC Subscription for 2012/13 – £105.61
Norfolk RCC Subscription for 2012/13 – £15.00
Receipts: Donations for playing field as detailed above: Total £774.12
£6,500 donation towards the cost of resurfacing the village car park from the
Bar Account
County and District Council News
Mr. Tomkinson reported:
- With effect from 1st April 2012 there is now a single telephone number for contacting NCC: 0344 800 8020. There are exceptions – as follows: libraries 8006, text phone 8011, fax 8012, emergency number 8019.
- They have saved 60m on top of the 44m last year.
- The Money invested in Iceland: – won the court case and will be getting it all back.
- Put aside 4.5m to create apprenticeships in the county.
- Norse profits come back to the County Council and they are taking 89m out of those profits this year to put in creating 81 apprenticeships in the Norse group.
Dr. Gray e-mailed the following report:
- None of the sites put forward by landowners for market housing in Alburgh have been judged suitable for development so no site allocations are being proposed by SNC. But the small extension to the previous development boundary at Friends Farm has been accepted. Consultations of the proposals will be taking place in June/July.
- SNC has also produced a ‘Place Making Guide’ aimed at improving the design of new buildings in the District and Consultation on this will also be taking place shortly.
Public Participation
Mrs. Wright advised us that the piece of land on the left hand side of the entrance to Friends Farm should not be built on as it is a Quakers burial ground. Clerk to notify SNC of this.
The bus time table has not been replaced. Clerk to chase again.
Items for next Agenda – None
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 3rd May, 2012.