Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday, 1st March, 2012 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. K. Love
Mr. E. Renaut
Mrs. Goose
Mr. R. Morris
Also attending:
Mrs. Gedge
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs. J. Pearce
3 Members of the Public
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the February 2012 meeting were signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
No declaration of interest from members was declared.
Public Participation None
Matters arising
The Ash Tree in the Millennium Garden has now been cut down. Mr. Denny gave thanks to everyone who helped. Mr. Flatt will kindly get us an Oak Tree which will cost £22.00. It was decided to try to organise a tree planting ceremony with the school children.
Parking at the School – E-mail received from Bob Edwards, Highway Engineer NCC. The outcome being that although they appreciate our problems – parking for the school is not a Highways responsibility and this was explained to the school secretary at their last meeting a few years ago. The knocked down sign will be sorted.
Letter received from HSBC following our letter of support to keep the Harleston branch open. They express their concerns and assure us that the decision to close this branch was made only after very careful and detailed consideration of all relevant factors. They apologise for the inconvenience caused for some customers but unfortunately they have no plans to change their decision.
Update on Affordable Housing
Peter Ramsdale came to give an update on this following the Open Information event. He went through the comments that were left on the day and showed us the latest designs. Discussions were then held on the type and colour of brick and roof tiles, outside lighting, etc. The next meeting will be of the Design Review Panel on 12th March which we will be invited to. Mr. Denny gave thanks to Peter Ramsdale.
Speed Watch/SAM Report
Mrs. Goose has used SAM four times and has found it quite easy to use. She will be getting it back again in about 6 weeks time.
Playing Field Report
Mr. Morris did inspection. All was in good order.
The sign in the pond is falling down and needs to be put back up. Mrs. Goose will try and get a key so that we can get in and put this up.
The bus time table has been ripped off and needs replacing. Clerk to organise.
Playing Field Committee Report
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn reported on the Race evening. She has started on the programme which explains the rules. She needs to ‘sell’ some horses and jockeys and she will give each councillor a form to ask them to get sponsors. She also needs volunteers to help on the door and on the ‘tote’. Mrs. Love will ask parents at the school.
An Easter Treasure Hunt, has been organised by the Toddler Group to be held on the first Tuesday of the Easter holidays.
Mrs. Walton reminded everyone of the Tuesday Group’s ‘Champagne and Cup Cakes’ afternoon to be held on the 14th March, 2012.
Decisions received:
Ref: 2011/2027 H Dr Kris West, Corner Cottage, School Road, Alburgh. Refused.
Applications received: None
SNC Local Development Framework
‘Issues and Options’ consultation document. Mrs. Walton has kindly been through this document and answered the summary questionnaire for us. Each councillor has had a copy of these comments and these were gone through this evening and only a few minor amendments were made. Mr. Denny and councillors gave thanks to Mrs. Walton for doing this as a lot of work was involved.
Web Site Training
This has now been re-arranged for Tuesday, 20th March 2012 at 7.30pm at Mr. Morris’s house.
To discuss possibility of trimming hedge on Burntoak Lane
The Hedge on the left hand side down Burntoak Lane has got very high and out of control. One branch in particular is hanging down and needs trimming back. It was agreed that this hedge does need attention and the clerk will write to: H. Watts & Sons, Burlingham Lodge Farm, Broad Road, Alburgh. IP20 0AZ
To discuss request for hire of playingfield for car boot sale
We have had a request for hire of the playing field for a regular weekly car boot sale. All councillors felt that this was not appropriate.
To adopt standing orders
As we are applying for grants for play equipment, our standing orders do not quite apply. We have to add an equality policy. Every councillor has had a copy of this and all councillors were in agreement that we adopt this with our standing orders.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £186.80
Mr. Upson, various repairs to playing field £50.00
Mr. Flatt, Oak Tree £22.00
Receipts: None
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- Council tax – the district council has frozen its share of the council tax.
- Dr. Gray has written to support our application for the neighbourhood fund. The meeting for funding will be held on 21st March at 9.30am at South Norfolk council.
- ‘Sites Specific’ document will come to committee in March. Further info at next meeting.
- The Waveney Valley Neighbourhood Board has £80,000 to be spent within the Waveney valley. The council are launching a public consultation and want the public to vote on a list of 30 plus projects and services.
Public Participation
Discussion on Development Boundary and Site Specific consultation. Dr. Gray advised that no dates as yet have been organised and he will look in to this.
Lighting at School – a parishioner has asked if we could write to the school to ask them if they could turn down the lighting at night as it is a bit excessive.
Items for next Agenda
Jubilee Committee report
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.40pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 5th April 2012.