Minutes of the Alburgh Parish Council meeting held on Thursday, 6th February 2020 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny: Chairman, Mrs Gedge: Vice Chair, Mrs. Gladden-Fenn, Mr. Renaut, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Soanes, Mr. Dunbar
Also attending: 8 members of the public, Margaret Stone, County Councillor; Chris Brown, District Councillor; Mrs J Ellis; clerk.
1 Welcome by the Chairman, Mr. Denny
2. To receive and accept apologies for absence: None
3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed – None
4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the January 2020 parish council meeting were signed by Mr. Denny as a correct record.
5. The meeting was adjourned from 7.33pm to 7.50pm for public participation
Footpath 12 and bridge has not been repaired. The clerk will report this again.
Discussions on blocked drains in the village which is causing flooding. These are at :
Dove Meadows, Station Road and in The Street. Margaret Stone said she would look in to this.
The road along The Street has been swept today.
The verge markers need repairing on the bend of Station Road, near Dove Meadows.
Discussions on lorries damaging the banks on Church Road, Paynes Hill corner.
6. Reports from District and County Councillors
Chris Brown, District councillor reported:
• Council Tax – The proposal is to put the budget up 3.3%, there is a limit of £5.00
• South Norfolk and Broadland councils merger has now taken place and they have become one team
• The Greater Norwich Local Plan is taking place from 29 January to 16 March 2020. There is a roadshow at Harleston Library on 28th February from 2 – 6.30pm for more information. Details also on website.
• Environmental policy statement and action plan is being looked at.
• The Member Ward Grants for local projects has been spent for this year. The Tennis club obtained new nets and notice board. The Annual fund starts again in April.
Margaret Stone, County councillor reported:
• The boundary commission is currently reviewing the division arrangements for Norfolk County Council.
• Budget proposals are based on increasing council tax by 3.99%.
• There is a survey on the Norfolk County Council website to give your view about the future of transport throughout Norfolk.
7. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
We have received information on The Big South Norfolk Litter Pick which is something we have taken part in for several years and will do again this year. The date decided on was 18th April at 1.30pm. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn will organise this.
8. Correspondence
We have received an email from a parishioner asking for financial help. Mr. Denny has passed this over to the Poors Allotment committee.
9. Update on Film Night
The last film showing was ‘Blinded by The Light’ which was well attended.
The next film ‘Judy’ will be held on the 21st February.
The new surround sound system has been installed. We are still waiting to hear from Adnams about a grant.
10. To discuss dog fouling signs
Gill Gedge has been in contact with Norfolk County Council about putting dog fouling signs up. We need to get permission from the land owners where we wish to put the signs up and then go back to NCC. The clerk will write to the land owners.
11. To discuss Training: date arranged for 3rd March, 2020
All denton parish councillors wish to come to this and it was decided that we would bill them for half the cost, i.e. £150.00. The trainer wishes to arrive at 6.30pm and would like help setting up the room. She will provide refreshments at no extra cost.
12. Playing Field Report
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn did report. All was in good order.
13. To discuss Millennium Garden
Gill Gedge and a lady from the village have met up and discussed a Wild flower meadow in the Millennium Garden. They would like an area to do this and would look after it themselves. All were in agreement.
When the drains are done for the village hall, the hedging and gate will be erected.
The pond needs cleaning which will be discussed at a later date when the weather improves.
14. To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Decisions made:
Ref: 2019/2381 – Land West of 1 South Farm Cottage, Station Road, Alburgh. This application has been withdrawn.
Ref: 2019/1690 – Land East of Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Outline planning for erection of 4 dwellings with garages, access and associated development. Permission has been refused.
Applications received:
Ref: 2020/0157 – Re-felted extension to rear with fibre glass and replacement of windows to property (retrospective) at Piccadilly Cottage, Low Road, Alburgh. Councillors approve and have no comments.
15. To approve payments to be made and monies received
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary and expenses £172.75
Moviola £122.50
Creative Arts East Screen Licensing £96.00
Receipts: Film Night £218.90
Aladdin Xmas Film £52.50
Donation to sound system £100.00
16. To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the time of the next parish council meeting as 5th March, 2020.
Lease for Village Hall
Discuss AGM
17. The meeting was adjourned at 8.32pm and reconvened at 8.36pm for public participation
A member of the public asked about the public toilets in Harleston and what is being done about them as they are currently closed. Chris Brown thinks that they are the responsibility of Harleston Town Council. The clerk will ask them for an update.
18. Close of meeting
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.40pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 5th March, 2020.