Minutes of the Alburgh Parish Council meeting held on Thursday, 5th September 2019 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny: Chairman, Mrs Gedge: Vice Chair, Mr. Renaut, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Soanes
Also attending: 14 members of the public, Chris Brown, District Councillor, Mrs J Ellis; clerk.
1 Welcome by the Chairman, Mr. Denny
- To receive and accept apologies for absence: Mrs. Gladden-Fenn, Mr. Dunbar, Margaret Stone; County Councillor, Brendon Bernard; District Councillor
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed – Mr. Soanes declared an interest in No. 15 Planning applications received.
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the July 2019 parish council meeting were signed by Mr. Denny as a correct record.
- The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 7.35pm to 7.40pm
A member of the public asked whether the parish council were happy for the signage for the Church to go ahead? Parish Councillors said they had no objection to this. The approx. cost of this is £100 and the parish council was asked whether we would consider making a donation towards this? Mr. Denny will ask Margaret Stone about funding from the Local Member Highways Budget.
- Reports from District and County Councillors
Chris Brown, District councillor, reported:
- The population of SNC will increase by 18% over the next few years.
- SNC has appointed all the positions for the merger of the councils.
- Currently reviewing the waste services in the district
- Work on Hempnall roundabout is moving ahead very well. It has been suggested that wild flowers be put on the roundabout when completed.
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Chris Brown will enquire about funding for a notice board at the Picnic Site.
- Correspondence
At a special meeting of South Norfolk Council Murray Gray was awarded the title of Honoary Alderman for eminent services to the District.
There is a Police Engagement Meeting to be held on 9th September at 7.30pm at Diss Youth and Community Centre. Gill Gedge will attend.
We have received a request for permission to access the land at the Picnic Site for UAV Flight. All parish councillors agreed to this.
- Update on Film Night
The family film showing ‘Dumbo’ was shown on 21st August. This was only attended by 17 people.
The last film showing was ‘Mary Queen of Scots’. This was well attended.
The sound quality needs to be looked at. Richard Gedge has been in touch with a gentleman from Audio Electronic Design about this. He has been out to look at the system and has suggested surround sound for the hall. The cost of this is £2,985.00 plus VAT.
Mr. Denny has enquired about getting grants for this. One of these organisations is Community Action Norfolk. They would like us to become a member which costs £50.00 and they would help us with a grant application and other things. All councillors thought this was a good idea.
It was suggested that we could perhaps get a a sponsorship – Mrs. Davis offered to look in to this.
- To discuss parish council leaflet
Gill Gedge has compiled a leaflet for Alburgh Parish council explaining what the parish council do.
It was decided that this would be distributed with the Parish Magazine and put through the doors of those who do not take the magazine. Mr. Denny gave thanks to Gill for doing this.
- To discuss dog fouling signs
The dog fouling signs we have do not stick very well to posts. It was felt that they need to be put on stakes. Mr. Soanes offered to do this. It was decided that we need to check that we can put the signs on footpaths? Gill Gedge will look in to this.
- Risk Management Review and to include Picnic Site
Following on from our annual audit it was pointed out that we need to review our risk management. All councillors received a copy of this.
The Picnic Site now needs to be added to this.
At the Picnic Site there is a gap beside the bridge that goes straight out on to the main road. We need to put some warning signs or a gate/barrier there. Discussions on what would be the best option. A member of the public offered some posts and hedging and to install these which was gratefully received.
The Risk Management will be updated and forwarded to councillors for adoption at the next meeting.
- To discuss Allotments
Wortwell Allotment – our works party has cleared and tidied the area. There is still some wire that needs to be disposed of. A further works party needs to be organised which will be done next month.
The road side hedge needs cutting. Mr. Denny will organise this.
Alburgh Allotments – Mr. Denny has tidied these. We will give thanks to Ray Syrett for the loan of his tractor and power harrow.
The area now needs to be grass seeded. A works party needs to be organised for this. It was also suggested that we have a wild flower area and to put some hedging where the ditch is and along the front. Mr. Denny has Oak Trees we could also put in. It was agreed that Mr. Denny will get the grass seed and organise putting this down first and do the hedging, etc later on.
The Village Hall need to upgrade the sewerage system and they are getting quotes for this.
The Millennium Garden archway needs cutting. Mr. Denny will organise this.
- Playing Field Report
Keith Dunbar did report. We have no report as he was not in attendance at this meeting.
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Applications received: Ref: 2019/1690 – Land East of Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Outline planning for erection of 4 dwellings with garages, access and associated development.
Lengthy discussions were held on this. It was felt that we approve but would like to see a mix of sizes.
Decisions made: Ref 2019/1165 Low Ditch Barn, Low Ditch Road, Alburgh. Single storey side extension. Approval with conditions.
- To approve payments to be made and monies received
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary and expenses £190.95
Moviola £121.70
Norfolk Drain Services Ltd £228.00
Community Action Norfolk Membership £50.00
Receipts: Film Night £64.00
HMRC VAT Repayment £2,757.75
- To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the time of the next parish council meeting as 3rd October, 2019
Fund raising for the Picnic Site
Training for new councillors
Allotments Payments and Works Party
Adoption of Risk Assessment
- The meeting was adjourned at 8.57pm and reconvened at 9.04pm for public participation
A member of the public reported that there are some large rabbit Holes on footpaths which are quite dangerous and need filling.
He also reported several issues with footpaths and bridges that need repairing. He has been in contact with the council about these but is not getting any definite answers. He will email the clerk the information and we will look in to this.
- Close of meeting
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.06pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 7th November 2019.