Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th April, 2017 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny – Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs Goose
Mr Renaut
Mrs. Davis
Mrs Beckett
Also attending: 5 members of the public, Dr. M Gray, Mrs J Ellis – clerk.
1.Apologies for absence: None
- No member declared any declaration of interest.
- To approve the Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the March 2017 meeting were signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman, as a correct record.
- There was no public participation
- Reports from District and County Councillors
Dr. Gray, District councillor gave the following report:
- The Community Infrastructure Levy called the ‘CIL’ – this means that any person erecting a new building will have to pay an amount to SNC calculated per square metre. 15% of this levy comes to the parish council; paid in April and October. This has to spent on a capital project (not running costs).
- Grants from SNC – Dr. Gray has £1,000 to spend within his ward which equates to £200 for each ward.
- Community Action Fund – £50,000 available for whole of SNC. An organisation can apply for up to £15,000 which has to go through Dr Gray. Funding dates are June and October.
- From 2019 Alburgh will become part of a 2 member ward and we will have two district councillors.
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
The Clerk has chased NCC about the new bus time tables which should be replaced soon.
- Correspondence
Training – It was mentioned that an update on training may be good for all parish councillors and the clerk. We have been advised that the cost of this is £150.00. It was agreed that we would ask Denton parish council if they would like to share this with us.
CPRE – We have been asked if we would support CPRE in it’s housing campaign. After discussion it was agreed that we would not support this.
Mr. Denny reported that two members of the public have submitted applications to be considered as parish councillors.
- Update on Film Night
Mr. Denny reported: 133 people attended the last film which was ‘The Girl on the Train’. This was a really good turn out and again an enjoyable evening.
- To nominate person to carry on footpath work from Mrs. Walton
Mrs. Beckett agreed to carry on with this. She has received an email from Ian Sharman who is dealing with Rice’s Lane saying that he has begun drafting the report to the head of law for our application and has now had responses from all the relevant landowners. Hopefully this should be resolved this year.
- To appoint new scribe for parish magazine monthly write up
Mrs. Beckett agreed to do this. All were happy for her to do this and gave thanks.
- To receive update on Harlequin and mobile phone mast
No update received as yet.
- To discuss Millennium Garden Hedges
It was agreed that we would ask S & A Services to cut the hedges earlier this year. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn will organise this.
- To discuss storage of old correspondence/minutes etc
It was agreed that old minutes and audit correspondence could go to the record office. Ruth Walton has very kindly offered to take them. Mr. Denny will go through other correspondence with the clerk and have a sort out. All councillors were happy with this.
- To organise Defibrillator training
Mr. Denny has compiled some leaflets for the Defibrillator Seminar to be held in Alburgh Village Hall on 27th April at 6.30pm. All councillors are distributing these throughout the village. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Gladden-Fenn offered to organise tea and coffee on the evening and Mrs. Goose offered to be on the door to greet people in.
- Playing Field Report and quote for new sign
Mrs. Beckett did inspection. All was in good order.
The Millennium Garden path has weeds on. Mrs. Gedge offered to sort this.
We have received a quote from Diss Signmakers for a new sign exactly the same as the original but to include ‘No Kite Flying’ as well. The cost for this is £48.00 plus VAT.
All were happy with this but it was agreed to ask Diss Signmakers to also add ‘No Drones’ and to also put ‘No Dogs’ in capital letters.
In the corner of the playing field there is a tree which needs to be cut down as this was damaged in the recent storm. As we are not sure who this belongs to Mr. Denny and Mrs. Jane Pearce have met and have agreed to half the cost of having this cut down. All were in agreement with this. Mr. Denny will get a price for this.
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Decisions received: Mr. P. Martin – Detached bungalow with new highway access. Refused.
Applications received: Ivy House Farm, Low Road. This application was refused mainly due to the access.
- To approve payments to be made, monies received and clerk annual pay increase
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £143.60 plus expenses £15.60
Moviola Ltd £223.20
Creative Arts East £30.00
HMRC Paye £107.60
Receipts: Film Night £532.00
Refund on over payment of Defibrillator £48.16
It was agreed to increase the clerk’s salary to £9.30 per hour from April 2017. This is a 1% increase.
Mrs. Margaret Stone entered the meeting at 8.20pm and gave the following report:
Update on the rise in Council tax of 4.8% with 3% specifically going to help fund adult social care. She spoke about the concerns in ‘looked after child care’ which is significantly higher than in most counties.
- To receive items for the next agenda
Vote for new parish councillor and a new vice chair person.
- The meeting will be adjourned for public comments – There were no public comments.
- Close of meeting
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.35pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 4th May 2017.