Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 2nd March, 2017 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny – Chairman
Mrs. Walton – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs Goose
Mr Renaut
Mrs. Davis
Mrs Beckett
Also attending: 8 members of the public, Dr. M Gray,
1.Apologies for absence: County Councillor Mrs Stone sent her apologies which was received and accepted. The clerk Jackie Ellis was also absent due to illness.
2. No member declared any declaration of interest.
3. To approve the Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the February 2017 meeting were signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman, as a correct record.
4. The meeting was adjourned for public participation
A member of the public said that on page 923 of the previous minutes Dove Hill should read Holbrook Hill.
Mrs Gedge who looks after the millennium garden requested funds to buy bedding plants. It was agreed the parish council would pay up to £15.00.
5. Reports from District and County Councillors
Dr. Gray, District councillor gave the following report:
The consultation for the parish boundary review will last 12 weeks starting from the end of March
Harleston public toilets cost £71,600 plus the installation of £44,322. They will cost £20,000 to remove and it will cost £60,000 to refurbish the old toilets.
Harleston car park – SNC calculate the cost of maintaining the car park to be £81k per annum. Ongoing meetings between team of Harleston town councillors and businesses to find a way of reducing these costs.
6. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Rice’s Lane Footpath – David Denny thanked Peter Wrench for all his work in clearing a path for walkers the length of this lane, and those that helped him, Paul Crosbie and Bernard Coe.
Lohr Bungalow Light – Having written to the resident we have had a reply stating that he refuses to adjust the height of his outside light. It was decided to contact Saffron Housing for advice.
Defibrillator – This is now installed and registered with the Ambulance Service and up and running. Training evening arranged for 27th April at Alburgh Village Hall from 7-9pm, tea and biscuits to be arranged. Notification in parish magazine and flyers to be delivered to each house nearer the time.
Bus stop time tables – We have requested new time tables but have had no response so far despite the clerk chasing twice. Clerk to try again.
Litter Pick – Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has been in touch with SNC about the equipment.
Church – No response from Harlequin to date. Keith Donno will chase.
The editor of Starston Pigeon Post has contacted Keith Dunbar with an invitation for Alburgh village to submit items of interest, events, etc in their magazine and vice versa. To be mentioned in our parish magazine.
Mrs. Ruth Walton wishes to retire and Mr. Denny read out her retirement letter. Mrs. Walton has served Alburgh Parish Council for 25 years and will be missed. Mr. Denny thanked her for all her work. Clerk to notify SNC and follow the procedure of advertising the vacancy.
7. Update on site meeting with Bob Edwards at Dove Hill
A site meeting was held at the bottom of Dove Hill on the 13th February. David Denny, Ruth Walton and Tony Stiffel, who lives at the Old Armoury attended. Very negative response to our requests for better signage at the bottom of the hill and speed signs through the village. No budget being the reason. We might try again in 6 months’ time.
8. Update on Film Night
Mr. Denny reported: 66 people attended the last showing which was Bridget Jones Baby. To date the film night has netted £4,104.50 plus £698.50 from sale of ice creams.
9. To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting
Date decided for 4th May 2017 and to start at 7pm. The AGM will follow. Clerk to invite all people as per last year and to invite the police to ask them to discuss parking problems at bottom of Dove Hill.
10. Playing Field Report
David Denny reported that all was in good order, neat and tidy. It was agreed to organise a gang to clean and tidy the recycling area. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn and Mr. Renaut volunteered.
Mr. Dean Gibson has made a new village notice board and it is installed. Letter of thanks to accompany payment as he has only charged for materials.
The blue notice board at the entrance to the playing field was torn away in recent high winds and needs to be replaced. Clerk to get prices for this.
11. To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Decisions Received:
2016/2845 Mr & Mrs Whitton, Lane at Friends Farm, The Street, Alburgh. Reserved matters application for erection of single storey dwelling. Approval with conditions
12. To approve payments to be made
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £143.60 plus expenses £15.60
Moviola Ltd £122.40
D Gibson £60.00
Community Heartbeat Trust for Defibrillator £3,268.80
Receipts: Film Night £312.00
13. To receive items for the next agenda
Person to carry on footpath work from Mrs. Walton
New scribe required for parish magazine monthly write-up
Harlequin and mobile phone mast
Defibrillator training
Parking on Dove Hill
14. The meeting will be adjourned for public comments
Members of the public raised the following:
Difficulties with traffic at the bottom of Dove Hill with cars parked in the way and causing traffic to pass very close to resident’s front windows.
Dr. Gray told us that Wortwell have new village signs which we might consider looking at. If we decided on new Alburgh village signs he will have £200 community budget in the coming financial year.
15. Close of meeting
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 6th April 2017.