Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th October 2016 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny – Chairman
Mrs Walton – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. Beckett
Mr Renaut
Mrs Davis
Mrs Goose
Also attending: Dr. M. Gray, District councillor
Margaret Stone, County councillor
6 members of the public
James Begley
Apologies: None
To approve the Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the September 2016 meeting were signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation
A parishioner has written to the CEO of BT but received no reply. He said that his broadband has improved. Richard Gedge is still working on our behalf to get better broadband in the village.
He also said that the Ramblers association are looking in to the footpaths including Rice’s Lane. A meeting will be held on the 29th October at Dereham Football Club to discuss footpaths that have to be registered by 2026.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Hedge at Three Acre Row – We have received an email from Paul Bunce at Saffron saying that they are currently awaiting a decision from UK Power Networks before work can commence.
Bus Service – The bus stop at Norwich Bus Station is now ‘L’ and not ‘K’.
To Welcome James Begley from Community Heartbeat Trust to talk about Defibrillator
Mr. Begley spoke about the benefits of having a defibrillator in the village. He brought two types of defibrillator which he demonstrated and explained how things worked. There are grants and funding available which we may be able to get. Training is available for up to approx 50 people per session. The cost is around £2,000.00.
Mr. Denny thanked Mr. Begley for coming and he left the meeting at 8.15pm.
All councillors were happy to go ahead and purchase a defibrillator. We then discussed whether we apply for a grant or buy the defibrillator out right. It was decided that we would apply for a Lottery Grant which Mr. Denny and the clerk will do. Dr. Gray has also promised us £200.
Margaret Stone gave her report early as follows:
Devolution – The Devolution decision will be made by NCC on 21st November 2016. NCC supports Devolution but Norwich, Breckland and Gt Yarmouth oppose and most of their district councillors are also county councillors so chances of getting Devolution through are slim despite the people’s vote of yes.
Adult Social Services – total budget is £246,852 million. They have a forecast overspend mostly due to the cost of care either in their own homes or residential and hired transport, mostly for those with learning disabilities attending day centres.
Annual budgets were given on Communities and Environment and Children’s Services.
Dr. M. Gray reported as follows:
Greater Norwich local plan is the next local plan for this area. There have been a lot of sites for building homes proposed and they will be going public with those towards the end of the month.
Broadband – Denton have a cabinet installed but is not working as yet. Wortwell also has markings for better broadband so hopefully Alburgh will be soon.
Mrs. Walton had nothing new to report tonight.
Film Night
The last film ‘Chick Lit’ was well attended and again an enjoyable evening.
It has been agreed that we would show a childrens film on 21st December 2016. After discussing films, it was decided to show ‘The Grinch’.
Invoices for the annual rent from October have now been sent along with letters asking allotment holders to tidy their allotments. No responses have been received to date.
Playing Field
Mrs. Goose did inspection. All was in good order.
Mrs. Goose said that she is not able to lift the outer casing out of the bin and her husband Hugh Goose came to do this. Mr. Denny gave thanks to Mr. Goose for this.
Mr & Mrs Davis have treated the fence around the pond. There was some rubbish hanging over the fence which Mr. Denny did. Mr & Mrs Goose have scrubbed the seats. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has treated the seats.
Quaker Burial Site
With regard to Friends Farm planning application; there were some queries about this being on Quakers Land. Mrs. Walton has received an email from the Quakers to say that there are two people buried there. They are Jonathan Corbyn who died in 1701 and his wife Sarah who died in 1700 – “buried in her garden, by her husband”. The burials are not on the proposed building plot.
War Memorial
Mrs. Walton confirmed that the War Memorial is registered with Historic England.
Decisions received:
2016/1833 Mr & Mrs Lawler & Haughin, Anvilby, Mill Road, Alburgh. Approval with conditions.
2016/1786 Mr Keith Player, Land at Friends Farm, The Street, Alburgh. Approval with conditions.
Planning Ref: 2016/0526 – Mr Mark Thompson. We have been informed that the Planning Inspector had visited the site on 27th September. We were not informed of this. It was agreed that we would write a letter to the Planning Inspectorate and SNC, to express our concerns that the parish council and some residents had not been informed.
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £143.60 plus expenses £15.60
HMRC – PAYE for quarter £108.80
Norse six monthly grounds maintenance charge £196.40
Creative Arts East – Village Screen Extra Film Licensing £99.40
Mr J Whitton – Grass cutting, spraying and strimming £390.00
G Denny & Sons Ltd – treatment for the 2 seats £7.98
Rackhams – Fencelife £10.99
Receipts: Film Night £336.00
SNC Precept £2,898.00
Public Participation
Rice’s Lane – A farmer has trimmed a small part of the hedge but he would be unable to tackle the blocked portion.
Matters for Highways – Sign for Burntoak Lane is on Church Lane. The speed limit signs have fallen down on Low Road and Low Ditch Road. Clerk to report
To receive items for next agenda
Lap Top
Donations to charities and Alburgh Church.
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.20pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 3rd November, 2016.