Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday, 3rd March, 2011 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. R. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. P. Goose
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr. R. Morris
Mrs. K. Love
Mr. E. Renaut
Also attending:
District councillor, Dr.M.Gray
4 members of the public
Apologies: Mr.T Tomkinson, County councillor
Public participation
Safer Neighbourhood Team – Jill Gedge reported on behalf of the Police as below:
- The Police have no special influence over gritting but she has registered it with the county council.
- No progress on lead stolen from the village hall.
- Oil Tanks – if anyone sees white oil tankards with no specific logo or ones that they do not recognise, could they please bring it to the attention of the Police.
To go on Agenda as a regular spot.
There are two cars parked outside Lohr Bungalows which people have to walk round which parishioners feel is not safe. They are also causing difficulty seeing up and down the road. Mr. Denny will speak to the owners and give them a welcome pack.
Signing of the Minutes
The minutes of the February 2011 meeting were signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
Matter arising
Wind Turbines at Hill Farm, Redenhall Road, Harleston – there are no local ones to look at. Mr. Denny has obtained a brochure from Bowler Energy which has gone in to circulation for all councillors to look at. Mr. John Renaut has told Mr. Denny that they have had no response from the public. Mr. Renaut has heard from Anglian Water who have said that it will affect the water tower in Harleston.
Vodafone have also informed them that it should be moved and they have moved it accordingly. All councillors are happy so far and feel that we should let it go to the next stage.
Norfolk Link
Above all in circulation
Speed Watch
Mrs. Goose has put a note in the magazine re: recruiting more volunteers and has had two responses. They will be vetted. Last week Speedwatch caught no body speeding and the week before two were caught.
Open Gardens
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has booked the hall for Sunday 19th June and has organised and made the following suggestions:
- The village hall to be the starting point for people to obtain programme, maps, entry free, etc.
- £3.00 entry fee.
- Refreshments in village hall between 12.00 and 2.00pm. She has helpers for this.
- Jane Marlow will ask the school if children would like to do a display on a garden theme which will be in village hall. Flyers to be put in children’s school bags.
- Scarecrow making competition for the children to be displayed in Millennium Garden. Voting slip to vote for the best scarecrow, prize for best one.
- Will need people to hand out programmes, refreshments.
- Ask Children and parents to provide a cake.
- Has a list of several people who would like to open their gardens.
- Ask local people if they wish to place an advert and ask for a donation.
Mr. Denny gave thanks to Mrs. Gladden-Fenn and looks forward to an update next month.
War Memorial
Work on the War Memorial has to be completed by July. Mrs. Walton has contacted the contractor again to remind them and they have said that work will commence when the weather warms up. Mrs. Walton has got on well with the pamphlet and is waiting for a few more contributions. Keith Dunbar has offered to proof read this and set it out for the printers. Mrs.Walton has spoken to Bungay Printers. She would like us to think about how many copies we should have printed. 100 copies would be in the region of £100.
Mrs. Walton has done a lot of work on this and Mr. Denny gave thanks to Ruth.
Millennium Garden/Dog Walking
People are walking their dogs in the garden and they are fouling in there. Also they are picking up the mess and putting it in our bins. Notice to go in magazine and also a notice to be erected saying No Dogs. Mr. Denny will look in to this.
Applications received:
Mr. Dan Shervington, The Old Armoury, Station Road, Alburgh. Proposal for Change of use, conversion of outbuilding to provide granny annexe accommodation. Councillors approved.
Mr. David Johnson, Alburgh Hall, Church Road, Alburgh. Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of garden room extension. Councillors approved and Mr. Morris commented that this could be seen from the road.
Decisions received:
Ref: 2010/2118 Mr. R B Scammell, Kings Acre Farm, The Street, Alburgh. Approved with conditions.
Playing Field
Mr. Renaut did inspection.
- Lots of cans left. The tree nearest the car park needs attention, lower branches need trimming. Mr. Denny will do this.
- Gawdy Hall have cut down the tree near the tennis court.
- Lot of moss on playing field that needs to be sorted. Mr. Denny could spray this. He will look in to the cost.
- Picnic Table – Mr. Denny has made enquiries in to repairing this and has found out that it is not worth while repairing it, it would be cheaper to buy a new one. He has looked at Taverham Garden Centre, the cheapest one being £129.99, the most expensive £350.00. Mrs. Goose will look at one she has seen in Banham and if she goes this Sunday she will make enquiries and take photos.
- Mr. Denny will have another look around as well.
E-mail sent to everyone re: play equipment. Mr. Marriott from Joy Playgrounds is going to design/draw up a plan for us. We can have one built according to what we want. Mike Bentley will look in to grants for us. He thinks we may be able to get 50%. The quote at present is in the region of £30-£35,000. Councillors were worried about the 15 year guarantee, which is what Mr. Marriott is quoting, and who is going to take care of the equipment. Mr. Bentley will bring another manufacturer in to look at the equipment and give us a quote.
Combined Dance with Alburgh Village Hall
Raffle prizes would be appreciated. Tickets are in the process of being sold.
Parish Elections
All councillors have been given the necessary paper work.
Payments: Norfolk Playing Fields Ass – Membership renewal 2011/2012 £20.00
J. Ellis, clerk salary £356.40 and expenses £30.00
Norfolk Rural Community Council Membership 2011/2012 £25.00
Receipts: None
County and District Council News
Dr. M. Gray reported:
SNC are talking to Gt. Yarmouth Borough council about sharing services. This starts next week with a meeting in Gt. Yarmouth. Dr. Gray is a member of the negotiating team.
District council elections take place in May.
Planning document; joint core strategy went to public enquiry and is now approved. Implication for Alburgh – Alburgh is now a service village envisaged 10 to 20 dwellings of new housing some of which will be affordable housing.
Dr Gray will ask about finishing the houses at the old Tradesmans Arms site.
Any Other Business
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has spoken to Andrew Dernie re: Feoffees, about putting an article in the magazine and he will do this.
All parish clerks will have to be employed from April 2011 and therefore we need to register for PAYE.
Public participation
Chris, a parishioner has been asked on behalf of Sustainable Bungay for support to keep Bungay Library open. Note to go in parish magazine.
Chris offered to do some fund raising for the new play equipment.
Reminder for AGM. To go on next Agenda. Provisional date 12th May, 2011.
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.00pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 7th April, 2011.