Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 1st October 2015 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Mrs. Davis
Mrs P Goose
Also attending: 4 members of the public
Dr. M. Gray, District councillor
Margaret Stone, (formerly Somerville) County Councillor
Apologies: Mr D Denny – Vice Chairman
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the September 2015 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation – None
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
The strimming at Cherry Tree Crossroads has been done apart from one section which Mrs. Walton will ask Mr. Denny to organise.
Mrs. Walton has called at 2 Lohr Bungalows to ask them to adjust their light but nobody has been there. It has not been bad recently so this will be monitored.
Letter received from Redenhall with Harleston Town Council asking if we would again like to contribute to the up keep of the car park in Harleston. It was agreed that we would donate £300.00 again as in previous years.
Footpath from Station Road to the lane near Ivy Farm.
The clerk has chased NCC on the clearing of this footpath. To date this has not been done. Margaret Stone will look in to this for us.
There is another footpath number 15 which runs from Piccadilly Cottage in a west direction down to the valley. Branches overhang it and it is choked with nettles. Margaret Stone also kindly agreed to look in to this for us.
We have received a letter from NCC re: Parish Partnership Scheme for 2016/17. There has been another type of work that can now be included in the bid which is to repair pot holes on minor roads. Bids are to be submitted by 15th December 2015. Clerk will forward email to Margaret Stone to see if she can find out any more information on this.
Playing Field
Mrs. Walton did inspection. All was in good order.
The See saw is wobbly – the bolts have become loose. Mr. Davis has kindly offered to secure the bolts.
It has also been noted that the Platform for the zip wire – the top pole seems a bit wobbly. Mr. Walton will have a look at this.
David Bracey from Play Safety Inspections has emailed the clerk to say that our play area inspection is due soon. It was agreed to arrange this for approx two weeks time.
Millennium Garden – John Whitton has cut back the bulrushes as much as he can but they are still growing in the actual pond. Mrs. Walton has been in touch with ‘Aquatic solutions’ about the problem and has been advised that the only permitted chemical to be used in water is ‘round up pro bioactive’. In the past people in the village have been against using chemicals. It was agreed to put a piece in the parish magazine to see if we can organise a working party and if nobody comes forward then we will use the permitted chemical.
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has treated the bench at Church Road, the one on the playing field and the snail toy on the playing field. Mrs. Walton gave thanks to Mrs. Gladden-Fenn for this.
Decisions received: None
Applications received: None
Ref: Station Road, Alburgh. Mrs. Walton has received an email from Mark Thompson. His architect has been working on a modified design and has some pictures to show what it would look like. He asked to meet up with Mrs. Walton and Mr. Denny. Mrs. Walton replied saying that it is not usual practice to meet privately and suggested he comes to this meeting to show all members of the parish council his new drawings. No reply was received and Mr. Thompson did not come tonight.
County and District Council News
Margaret Stone reported:
- There have been problems with the Bus service. There have been discussions with Officers at NCC regarding this and they are liaising with Anglian bus company and Go Ahead, who are the owners of this and all the other companies in the area. NCC have reduced their contract with them from a 5 year period to an annual contract. Time table improvements will take place in November.
- Budgets are reduced whilst service demands continue to increase adult social services and children’s services.
- The elderly are requiring more support as we are living much longer. Residential care is very expensive. Housing with care better option and to remain at home with help.
- NCC are in discussion with Syrian Asylum seekers. We may have a small group of Asylum seekers who are at present in refugee camps. They will need a lot of support. Funding for one year only at the moment from central government.
Dr. Gray reported:
- The Gypsy and Traveller Plan has been put on hold awaiting further advice from government. There are no sites within the parish of Alburgh.
- The Local Plan – The inspector reported on this and judged it to be sound. There will be a meeting on the 19th October to adopt the plan.
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £142.05 plus expenses £15.60
HMRC – Paye £106.40
AJ Products Ltd – Purchase of litter bin £184.80
Norse – 6 monthly grounds maintenance charge £196.40
G Denny & Sons – Materials for treating benches £9.00
Receipts: £228.00 Film Night
£18.50 Ice Cream Sales
SNC – Adopter Payment for Recycling Centre £200.00
Public Participation
The hedge needs cutting that is opposite the village hall hedge from the exit of White House Barn going in a northly direction. Clerk to write to Mr. Jim Denny, Pied Bridge Farm, Alburgh to ask him if he would kindly do this.
It has been noted that ‘Neil Bomford’ lorries have been going through the village and along Tunbeck Road at approx 2pm. Mrs. Walton will ring the company.
To receive items for next agenda
Precept for 2016/17
Millennium Pond
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.25pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 5th November, 2015.