Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 8th January, 2015 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Also attending: Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
4 members of the public
Apologies: Margaret Somerville, County Councillor
Mr. Morris
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the November 2014 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation – None
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Affordable Housing – As yet the hedges in front of the houses have not been cut. Clerk to remind Saffron.
Norfolk Link
Norfolk Constabulary Newsletter
Film Night
We have had two film nights since our last meeting.
Mr. Denny has looked in to the costs of the new projector. To include everything the cost is £5,542.50. Mr. Denny has a meeting with Saffron on 27th January, 2015 to whom he has put in an application for £2,000. He will present the case to Saffron along with Richard Gedge.
School Governor
Ruth Walton has spoken to David Lambert on the telephone who expressed an interest in becoming a school governor. David Denny said that he would call in to see him to see if he is still interested and if so to ask him to write a letter to the clerk.
We have received an email from Bob Edwards, NCC stating that the way Public Rights of Way are maintained has changed since 2012 due to the cuts following government grant reductions
after 2010. NCC do not have the funding and resource to keep all Footpaths in a condition that many would like to see them. They suggest that the parish could get together volunteers who are able to walk the footpaths and beat down growth and nettles, etc. Also, if footpaths are constricted by land owners hedges, the parish can make the first approach to the land owner to cut them back. If they refuse then we can contact NCC to serve a notice on them.
Mrs. Walton suggested that councillors could make a list of footpaths that they know are owned by land owners and bring details to the next meeting.
Anglia Bus – Concessions
Mrs. Walton has emailed Philip Eden, the Operations Manager of Anglian Bus re: Concessionary fares. Concessions apply from Alburgh Low Road at 0924, not before this point. If this bus is late concessions will be made available from 0930. They are not supposed to make concessions available until 0930 so this is a grace and favour situation. The £1.10 is a concession single (available before 0930 for concession holders) to the timing point after 0930.
Playing Field
Mr. Denny did inspection. All was in good order. There were some places of flooding.
Mr. Denny dismantled the cradle seats and swing seats. These were supplied by a firm called ‘Sutcliffe’. The costs for replacements are £126.00 each for the cradle seats and £56.00 for the swing seats. Mr. Denny did get a cheaper quote on line but it was agreed to go ahead and order from Sutcliffe as we know that they are good quality. Mr. Denny will confirm costs with them and order.
Norse Grounds Maintenance Contract 2015 – We have received a contract for our grounds maintenance services for the 2015 season. It was agreed to sign up for the 5 year contract term which ensures that annual uplifts for the duration of the contract will be no more than the Consumer Price Index.
Dean Gibson has completed the new notice board. He and Mr. Denny put this up over the Christmas period. As yet we have not received the invoice but it was agreed that when it does come we would pay it straight away. A Thank you letter to go to Mr. Gibson.
The third notice board now looks ‘out of place’ and needs replacing. Nobody seems to know who it belongs to. The village hall committee will discuss this at their meeting.
Decisions received:
2014/2044 – Mr R Sully, Springfield House, The Street, Alburgh. Change of use of land to residential. Creation of new access to the road and installation of new gate. Approval with conditions.
Applications received: None
SNC have received and accepted a new premises application for Waveney Valley Spirits Ltd, The Barn, South Farm, Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. They have emailed the application to us for this. Mr. Denny has been to see Janet Peachey who is the applicant and she has explained the situation to him. She needs an alcohol licence to be able to sell ‘Fruit Liquors’ in her business. All councillors had no objection.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £189.15 for November and December 2014
Creative Arts East £24.00 x 2 for November and December 2014
Moviola Ltd £126.60 for November 2014 and £77.00 for December 2014
Alburgh Village Hall – Hire of Hall £270.00
Mr. Thomas, trimming out Blackburns Corner, Alburgh £36.00
Receipts: Film Night £256.00 and £84.00
Ice Cream Sales £12.50 and £15.00
Precept 2015/16
The Budget document was discussed further and all agreed to a precept in total of £6,000.00.
The precept form was completed and signed. The SNC grant is £237.00 and therefore our precept amount is £5,763.00.
County and District Council News
Dr. M. Gray reported:
- It is expected that the SNC part of the council tax will be frozen again this year.
- There is money from the government called Warm up Broadland and South Norfolk energy efficiency scheme. This allows public to get grants for insulation of their homes. The 5 parishes of Dr. Gray’s ward have been selected. There will be further developments on this.
- New Recycling system going pretty well. It has been calculated that 40% of food waste is going in to black bins. Thoughts on whether to start up a scheme where food is composted.
Public Participation – None
To receive items for next agenda –
Increase in Clerk Pay
Village Hall Notice board
Speed Awareness Monitor
Playing Field Swings
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45 pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 5th February, 2015.