Clerk: Mrs Jackie Loveday, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP
Tel: 07908253095 e-mail:
Notice of Meeting
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Alburgh Parish Council to be held in Alburgh Village Hall on Wednesday 6th September 2023 at 7.30pm.
- Welcome by the Chairman
- To receive apologies from members unable to attend
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed at this meeting
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last parish council meeting held on 6th July, 2023
- Open forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting which are not on the agenda
- To receive reports from District and County Councillors
- Correspondence received
Email from Wortwell pc re: Allotments at Wortwell
To organise date with Gary Overland re: grit bins and village gateway signs
- To receive inspection reports on Playing Field and Homersfield Picnic Site To confirm purchase of litter bin at Homersfield Picnic Site
To discuss play equipment
- Village Items
- Update on Film Night and to discuss a Saturday film matinee
- Update on ‘Village Questionnaire’
- Summer Events
- To receive update on use of grass area next to allotments for a boules/pétanque pitch
- Other Parish Council Items
- Pond Dredging
- Update on Village Hall Notice Boards
- Grass cutting around village sign
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
- Finance: To approve payments to be made
- To receive items for the next meeting, Thursday, 5th October 2023
Signed: Jackie Loveday, Clerk