Minutes of the Alburgh parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th July 2023 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
1.Welcome by the chairman; Cllr Thompson welcomed Cllr Swanston, Cllr Hall, Cllr Price and 2 members of the public, Chris Brown District Councillor, Mrs Loveday; clerk.
2. To receive apologies from members unable to attend – None
3. To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed at this meeting – None
4. To approve and sign the minutes of the last parish council meeting held on 17th May 2023. The minutes were approved and signed by Cllr Thompson as a correct record.
5. Co Option of new parish councillors
We have received 2 applications; Kimberley Croucher (who was in attendance tonight) and Mark Newson who sent his apologies. All councillors agreed that both be duly co opted.
Kimberley Croucher completed Declaration of Acceptance of Office, along with Andrew Hall who was absent from the last meeting.
6. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public – None
7. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting which are not on the agenda
Village Hall Lease – This has now been finalised and was signed and witnessed tonight. Cllr Thompson will take this back to Solicitors.
The clerk will complete the Litter Pick form and return to South Norfolk. This is required for us to receive £20 for taking part and being entered in to a draw with a prize of £200.00.
8. To receive reports from District and County Councillors
Chris Brown, District councillor reported:
- Their Annual meeting has been held and members allocated to committees. More scrutiny activity.
- The Pylons on the Norwich to tilbury route is now out to consultation.
- The sale of south norfolk house; a meeting will be held in July to decide what to do with this.
- Chris is now a member of the Waveney Lower Yare drainage board and the Borderhoppa committee.
9. To discuss any correspondence received
E mail from Highways on grit bins and village gateway signs
We have had email correspondence with Gary Overland from Highways on both these subjects and it has been suggested that we arrange a site visit so that we can look at the issues together. No final date has been set as yet. Clerk to chase.
E mail from Wortwell pc on grass cutting at Wortwell allotments
We have received an email from Lua Leggett, the clerk to Wortwell parish council asking if we could arrange for the grass to be cut on our side of the allotments at Wortwell. It was agreed that we would ask Lua if the person that already does their grass cutting could do it? If not we will ask Ian Smith.
10. To receive inspection reports on Playing Field and Homersfield Picnic Site
Cllr Hall did inspection. All was in good order.
The deck at zip wire needs replacing. The timber cost of this is £304.00 plus vat. It was agreed to go ahead with this. Councillors will organise a working party for labour.
The swings need a good clean as does some of the other play equipment. We also talked about putting in a shaded area. Cllr Price has been in contact with some companies about these issues and has arranged a meeting at the playing field next week.
A kind parishioner has offered to cut the hedges for free. Cllr Thompson will get in touch with him.
To discuss repairs at Homersfield Picnic site and purchase/emptying of dog bins
It was agreed that we would just purchase a litter bin for this area.
The clerk has spoken to the volunteers from the River Waveney Trust who would like to carry out the work installing the hand rail down to the river and the bollards themselves. All were happy for them to do this. The clerk will go back to them to organise.
Clerk to speak to River Waveney Trust about whether we should put Signs up for no barbecues or open fires as there was evidence that this has happened.
11. Village Items
Update on Film Nights
Cllr Thompson has organised some posters for advertising film nights. We also have a new board for advertising.
Update on Village Questionnaire – Cllr Thompson will publicise an action plan and advertise.
Summer Events
Discussions on what could be held, i.e. village party. This will be given further thought.
To receive update on use of grass area next to allotments for a boules/pétanque pitch
Cllr Thompson has spoken to the village hall committee about doing this as a joint project but they were not keen. Discussions on whether people will use it. It was agreed that we would ask for people’s opinions first before deciding. After feed back, if we get a good response then we can go ahead.
It was also decided to have some outside seating in the area.
To allow dogs on playing field for larger village events
It was agreed that we will allow dogs on leads on the playing field for larger events.
12. Other Parish Council Items
Pond Dredging
The clerk will contact Peter Matthewson about this and when the best time is.
Suggestions on whether to put a jetty or curve round the pond and whether we need safety signs.
Update on village hall notice boards
The Village hall committee have agreed to go half on a new notice board. We will order this and organise a working party to install. It was agreed that we would put this on the grass verge outside the village hall.
We would then get a new board made up for the map.
To review Fixed Asset Register
Copies were handed out. The clerk will look in to some aspects of this.
13. To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting –
Ref: 2023/1550 Mr & Mrs Price, Beech Farm, Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Conversion of stables to one bedroom holiday let. Councillors approved this application.
14. Finance: To approve payments to be made
Mrs J Loveday clerk salary £292.87x 2 for 2 months pay
Ian Smith for grass cutting £240.00
Moviola Ltd for supply of film £81.10 and £152.70
Waveney Valley Ices £54.00, £28.80, £27.00
Receipts – Film Nights proceeds £666.00
15. To receive items for the next Agenda, Wednesday 6th September 2023
Cllr Hall asked whether a blind spot mirror would be a good idea for pulling out of car park. Cllr Hall will look in to this.
Cllr Price has agreed to take over the servicing and testing of the defibrillator.
A new Playing field rota will be drawn up.
Any other items for the next agenda please contact the clerk.
Cllr Thompson thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.