Minutes of the Alburgh parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th April 2023 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish councillors present:
Cllr Swanston, Cllr Hair, Cllr Price, Cllr Nailor
Also attending: Mrs. Loveday; Clerk
2. Apologies were received from: Cllr Legon, Cllr Hall, Cllr Thompson – As Cllr Thompson was absent tonight, Cllr Swanston chaired the meeting.
Following the council elections, newly elected Cllr Swanston and Cllr Price completed Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
3. No declarations of interest from any members were received.
4. The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March, 2023 were approved and signed by Cllr Swanston as a correct record.
5. Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public – None
6. To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting which are not on the agenda
To carry forward to next meeting:
Village Hall Lease
Grit Bins
Pond Dredging
7. To receive reports from District and County Councillors – None received
8. Correspondence Received
Subscription renewal for Norfolk Association of Local Councils. After discussion it was agreed that we would not renew this.
9. To receive inspection reports on Playing Field and Homersfield Picnic Site
Cllr Hall has sent report in his absence. All was in good order. The equipment needs cleaning. He asked if the new benches at the picnic site need treating. This will be looked in to.
All agreed that the timber items need repairing and we have sourced the timber required at a price of approximately £600. The labour would be covered by councillors. Councillors all agreed to this.
10. Village Items
Update on Film Nights
Cllr Hair updated us on the latest film nights and we are making a profit. Discussions on advertising film nights.
Update on Village Questionnaire – Cllr Thompson will report at next meeting.
Update on Speeding – Cllr Legon was looking in to this and as he was not in attendance no update received.
Update on Village Hall Notice Boards – Discussions on location of notice boards and it was suggested that a more prominent/visible position might be better.
To discuss the Kings Coronation events – The Sub committee have organised events and is all in hand.
SNC Litter Pick – This was set for the 8th May, 2023. The clerk will arrange and Cllr Swanston offered to collect and return equipment.
11. Other Parish Council Items
Use of Allotment for fruit orchard – Discussions on this; whether to ask what villagers would like. Maybe to grow pumpkins. To go on next agenda.
To discuss use of grass area next to allotments for a boules/pétanque pitch – After discussion it was agreed that this would be a nice thing to do. The costings would need to be looked at.
Agenda for Annual parish meeting
The date for this has been set for 17th May to start at 7pm. The parish council annual meeting will follow.
The clerk will discuss with the chairman the format of the meeting and prepare the agenda.
To elect parish council representative to the village hall committee
Proposed that Cllr Thompson be elected, seconded Cllr Swanston and unanimously agreed.
12. To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting -None
13. Finance: To approve payments to be made
Mrs J Loveday clerk salary £614.64, including back dated pay.
Alburgh Village Hall for hire of hall for film nights £55.00
Moviola Ltd for supply of films £69.80 and £87.25
14. To receive items for the next Agenda, Thursday, 17th May 2023
Any other items for the next agenda please contact the clerk.
Cllr Swanston thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.30pm.