Minutes of the Alburgh parish council meeting held on Thursday, 2nd March 2023 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish councillors present:
Cllr Thompson; Chairman, Cllr Legon, Cllr Hair
Also attending: Mrs. Loveday; Clerk, 4 members of the public; Chris Brown; District Councillor
- Apologies were received from: Cllr Swanston, Cllr Hall
- No declarations of interest from any members were received.
- The minutes of the meeting held on 5th January, 2023 were approved and signed by Cllr Thompson as a correct record.
- Co Option of new councillors
We have had two applications – Martin Nailor and Jon Price were in attendance tonight and both gave a brief presentation on why they would like to the join the parish council. Councillors voted unanimously to co opt Martin Nailor and Jon Price. They both signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Thompson welcomed both to the parish council.
- Open Forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public – None
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting which are not on the agenda
- Village Hall Lease; we are still waiting for the Solicitors.
- The pot holes on Tunbeck Road have been repaired.
- Grit Bins; the clerk has made enquiries on this and is still waiting for a response from Gary Overland at Highways.
- Alburgh Ladies Tuesday Group re the hiring of the village hall. Meeting was facilitated between Village Hall and Tuesday Group.
- To receive reports from District and County Councillors
District Councillor Chris Brown updated the council on:
- South Norfolk council are freezing their element of council tax for this year.
- Grants of up to £200 are available for Kings Coronation weekend.
- Elections in May.
- Extraordinary meeting is being held on the reorganisation of Norfolk and the devolution and to agree a decision on this.
- Progress is being made on the environmental side of the council with carbon reduction policies and setting carbon free zero date.
- Correspondence Received – None
- To receive inspection reports on Playing Field and Homersfield Picnic Site
In his absence Cllr Hall emailed to say that all was in good order at the Playing Field. Some play equipment will need painting in the warmer weather.
The clerk has submitted an application form for a grant from the Adnams Charity for the supply and installation of bins at Homersfield Picnic Site and to repair hand rail beside steps.
- Village Items
Update on Film Nights
The last film night was unfortunately not so well attended. This month’s showing is Fishermans Friends 2.
Discussions on the film choices and whether to look elsewhere.
Update on Village Questionnaire
Cllr Thompson will collate all the replies and put it together.
Update on Speeding
Cllr Legon has contacted Highways about speed reduction measures but so far has not received any replies.
Pond Dredging – We have received a second quote for pond dredging for a day rate of £350.00 plus VAT. We would need to get rid of bullrushes ourselves. It was agreed that we would go ahead with this quote and to book it for October.
Update on Village Hall Notice Boards
Cllr Thompson has spoken to the Village Hall who are happy to combine notice boards. Cllr Thompson will get some prices. The PCC wish to keep theirs.
To discuss the Kings Coronation events
We have had a meeting with the Church and Village Hall about events to hold. These will be held on the 7th and 8th May based on events similar to the Jubilee celebrations. Further discussions to follow.
- Other Parish Council Items
Use of Allotment for fruit orchard
Cllr Thompson will speak to Ann Bailey about this and come back with thoughts next meeting.
To discuss Clerks new pay scales to be implemented from 1 April 2022
It was agreed to increase the clerks pay to £13.45 pence per hour and to backdate this to 1st April, 2022.
Communication within the parish council
It was agreed to keep emails to a minimum and mostly between the chairman and the clerk.
To set date for Annual parish meeting
It was agreed to set this date for 17th May to start at 7pm. The parish council annual meeting will follow.
To approve internal auditor
Lynda Ling has agreed to carry out our internal audit again this year.
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Ref: 2023/0157 – Location: Land West of Long Bridge House, Burntoak Lane, Alburgh. Proposal: Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use and associated building works of an agricultural building to a dwelling house. Application Type: Prior Notification – Agricultural to Residential. No parish councillor had any comment and were happy with this.
- Finance: To approve payments to be made
Mrs J Loveday clerk salary £397.80 for 2 months, expenses £56.60
Norfolk Parish Training & Support, 2023/24 Subscription £65.00
Donation to Churchyard for Graveyard Maintenance £850.00 from Alburgh Parish Lands Account
- To receive items for the next meeting, Thursday, 6th April 2023
Agenda for Annual parish meeting
Cllr Thompson thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.