Minutes of the Alburgh Parish council meeting held on Thursday, 3rd March 2022 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs Davis; Vice Chair, Mrs. Gladden-Fenn, Mrs. Hair, Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Thompson
Also attending: 5 members of the public, J. Ellis; clerk, Chris Brown; District Councillor
- Welcome by the Vice Chair – Mrs. Davis welcomed all to the meeting
- Apologies from members unable to attend: Barry Stone, County Councillor
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed at this meeting – None
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd February, 2022
The minutes were signed by Mrs. Davis as a correct record.
- Open forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public:
It was asked about Village Gateways. It was explained that we had looked in to this before and the feeling was that they didn’t work and were very expensive.
- To receive reports from District and County Councillors
Chris Brown, District Councillor reported:
South Norfolk Council have had a Full council meeting; points from which are as follows:
- Agreed council tax will be increasing by £5.00 for a Band D.
- Leisure centres have done better than expected.
- Carbon audit undertaken. Carbon reduction plan has been accepted.
- 5million in to environmental programmes.
- Refuse and recycling – looking at increasing recycling rate. Recycling rates have dropped in last year.
- Food waste collections expected to become mandatory.
- Grants to help community projects. Talks about helping smaller parishes. Further details to follow.
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting which are not on the agenda – None
- Correspondence – None
- To receive inspection report on the Playing Field and Homersfield Picnic site
Mrs Gladden-Fenn did report. All was in good order. There were a few issues:
- There were Dog Poo bags and nappies in the bins.
- Gladden-Fenn has scrubbed the seats on the swings.
- Cleared up shattered glass near recycling bins at edge of car park.
- We have a new basketball hoop and net
- Picnic Site did not have so many mole hills
The clerk will look in to prices and the ordering of the 2 picnic tables for the Picnic Site.
- To receive update on Millennium Garden and Pond
We have received an email from Ann Bailey asking if we would consider funding a tree and plaque to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee this year. She suggests a small traditional fruit tree such as a medlar at a cost of £25 – £35.00. The plaque to be similar to the previous ones on the gatepost. All Councillors felt this was a good idea and to suggest to Ann that she gets prices and let the parish council know.
- To discuss the parish council’s risk assessments and update as necessary
Mr. Thompson is happy to update these which all councillors were happy with. He will bring to next meeting.
- Parish Councillor vacancies
These has been advertised and to date we have had one application.
- Update on the clearing of Rice’s Lane
To date this has not been cleared. The bank is subsiding. The clerk will chase again.
- Platinum Jubilee Weekend Grant – Discussion on whether to apply
Discussions on what event to hold. It was decided to hold a public meeting to ask what the village would like; date arranged for Friday 18th March and bar will be open. Mrs. Davis will advertise this on Alburgh Talk.
- To set date for annual parish meeting and annual meeting and approve internal auditor
Date set for 5th May to start at 7pm. It was agreed that we would ask Lynda Ling to do our internal audit again.
- Update on any feed back from the village on installing Dog Poo Bins
The feed back is that bins in the village would be a good idea. After discussion it was agreed the best installation would be the corner of Church Road and the Set A Side area. Mrs. Hair will arrange for photos of these sites to be taken and forwarded to the clerk.
- To discuss Alburgh Welcome Leaflet and Key Fobs for Defibrillator – To go on next agenda
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Ref: 2020/1754, Location: Mill Farm, Mill Road, Alburgh. This application will be considered at the meeting of the Development Management Committee on 9 March 2022. No member is able to attend on this date. We will email our support for this application to SNC.
- To approve payments to be made:
Payments: Clerk Salary £156.00 plus allowances £29.60
Westcotec for repair to SAM £35.40
2021/22 Pay Agreement has been reached for clerks and it was agreed to increase the clerks salary by 1.75% backdated to April 2021.
- To receive items for the next agenda
Update on Film Nights
- Any other business – None
- To confirm the date of the next meeting – Thursday, 7th April, 2022
Mrs. Davis thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting at 8.40pm.