Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 2 Cherrywood, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9LP
Tel: 07908253095 e-mail:
You are hereby invited to attend the meeting of Alburgh Parish Council to be held on Alburgh Playing field on Thursday 24th June, 2021 at 7.00pm. (Weather permitting). This meeting is going to be held outside due to current covid restrictions. If members of the public wish to attend, could you please email the clerk.
- Welcome by the Chairman
- Apologies from members unable to attend
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed at this meeting
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
- Open forum for public participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public
- Reports from District and County Councillors
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting and not on the agenda
- Correspondence
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return: to be approved, signed, dated
Internal Auditor report
Annual Governance Statement (page 4)
Annual Statements (page 5)
- Allotments in Wortwell
- Request for an allotment plot
- Request to tidy the weed growth
- To receive inspection report on the Playing Field
- Update on Picnic Site
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Application received: 2021/1250 Newlyn, 13 The Street, Alburgh
- To approve payments to be made: Clerk Salary, NALC subscription, Internal Auditor
- To receive items for the next agenda
- Any other business
For discussion/information only, the council may not make decisions on these items.
- To confirm the date of the next meeting – Thursday, 2nd September, 2021
Signed: Jackie Ellis, Clerk – 18th June, 2021