Notice of Meeting
You are hereby invited to attend the meeting of Alburgh Parish Council which will be held by way of video conferencing on: Thursday, 4th February 2021 at 7.30pm to consider the business detailed below.
Members of the public are welcome to attend by either phone, computer or other device. Please contact the clerk for further information on how to join the meeting by email:
Signed: Jackie Ellis, Clerk
Date: 29th January, 2021
- Welcome by the Chairman
- To receive apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda
- To approve and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 7th January, 2021 and 14th January, 2021.
- Open forum for Public Participation (maximum 10 minutes): an opportunity to hear from members of the public
- To receive inspection report on the Playing Field and record any issues
- To discuss Playing field grass cutting and condition of picnic site following recent flooding
- Discussion on how the parish council communicates with the parish, i.e. sending out District and County Councillor reports, etc.
- To receive Reports from District and County Councillors
- To discuss Planning Applications received since last meeting
Ref: 2021/0164, Barn South of Station Road, Alburgh. Proposal: conversion of existing barn to one bedroom dwelling.
- To discuss lorries coming through the village and the possibility of getting some signs – request by Cllr Stewart
- Discussion on litter especially at the top of the footpath/bridleway coming from the bottom of Stony Lane on to Low Ditch – request by Cllr Stewart
- Payments to be made since last meeting; Clerk Salary
- To agree items for the next meeting: 4th March, 2021
- Close of Meeting