Clerk: Mrs Jackie Ellis, 5 Henry Ward Road, Harleston, Norfolk. IP20 9EZ
Tel: 01379 852021 e-mail:
You are hereby invited to attend the meeting of Alburgh Parish Council to be held in Alburgh Village Hall, on Thursday 1st November, 2018 at 7.30pm.
- Welcome by the Chairman
- To consider apologies for absence
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
- The meeting will be adjourned for public participation (maximum 10 minutes) for items to be discussed on the Agenda only
- Reports from District and County Councillors
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
- Correspondence
- Update on Film Night
- To discuss any progress on Allotments
- Update on Picnic Site
- Playing Field Report
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
- To approve payments to be made: Clerk Salary, Moviola, Donations
- Discussion Document for Budget for 2019/20
- To receive items for the next agenda and confirm the date/time of the next parish council mtg.
- The meeting with be adjourned for public participation (maximum 10 minutes)
- Close of meeting
Signed: Jackie Ellis – Clerk, 24th October, 2018