Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday, 5th October 2017 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny – Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn – Vice Chair
Mr Renaut
Mrs. Davis
Mrs Beckett
Mrs. Gedge
Mr. Stiffel
Also attending: 7 members of the public, Dr. M Gray: District Councillor, Mrs J Ellis: clerk.
1 Welcome by the Chairman
- To receive and accept apologies for absence: None
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed – None
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the September 2017 meeting were signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman as a correct record.
- The meeting was adjourned from 7.33pm to 7.34pm for public participation – No member of the public had any comments.
- Reports from our District and County Councillors
Dr. M. Gray reported as follows:
- Parish Boundary Issue – We have supported the move of Greenland Barn from Wortwell in to Alburgh. Wortwell also has no objection. The next meeting will be on the 29th November to consider this.
- SNC are having talks with Broadland District Council about sharing services and officers. The main aim is to save money. This is at an early stage and will take 4-6 months to produce a Feasibility study.
- Harleston car parking issue – a poll has been carried out in Harleston. Talks are still on going.
- Planning application for the houses at Long Stratton and the bypass is expected in November. The County Council has submitted a bid to the government for funding to build the Hempnall roundabout.
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting – None
- Correspondence
Mr. Denny has received a letter from a resident named Harry Vincent. As part of his Duke of Edinburgh bronze award he has to complete 12 hours of community service over a period of 12 weeks. He asks if he could help out with odd jobs around the village. Councillors came up with a number of things for him to do and Mr. Denny will let him know.
It has been confirmed that we will receive wayleaves for the poles on the playing field. Mr. Denny will complete the forms when they come.
Mr. Denny has received an email from Kris West reminding us that our web domain is due for renewal on 20th October. The cost for this is £27.50. All councillors were happy with this price and for Mr. West to continue doing this for us. Mr. Denny will let Mr. West know and give him our thanks.
- Update on Film Night
Mr. Denny reported: The last film showing was ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and was again well attended.
- Playing Field Report including Playing Field Hedge
Mr. Denny did inspection. All was in good order.
No rats have been noticed this month.
It was agreed to ask Chris Thomas to cut the playing field hedge and the area at the cross roads.
Our Play Area Inspection is due at the end of October and David Bracey has quoted £85.00 plus VAT. All councillors were happy to ask Mr. Bracey to do this.
- Update on speed camera in village
The clerk has contacted Roy Payne from Westcotec who has said that we need to have a meeting with Gary Overland from Highways to discuss the siting of the speed camera. This is currently being organised.
- To discuss and approve new Standing Orders
The clerk has revised the Standing Orders and all councillors have received a copy by email previous to the meeting to look at. All councillors were happy with these and Mr. Denny signed them.
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
We have received two new planning applications:
2017/2228 & 2230 – both for Rose Cottage, Low Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Two storey rear extension.
2017/2232 & 2233 – both for Holly Cottage, Low Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Two storey rear extension.
All councillors consider both the applications should be approved and had no comments.
- To approve payments to be made and monies received
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £178.55, plus expenses £21.60
Moviola Ltd £99.70
Norse – Grounds Maintenance 6 monthly charge £196.40
National Association of Local Council – Annual Subscription £120.79
HMRC Paye £8.40
Receipts: Film Night £182.00 plus £16.00 ice creams
SNC Precept £2,938.00
- To receive items for the next agenda
Speed Camera
Risk Assessment
The date and time of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday, 2nd November 2017 at 7.30pm.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8.15pm and reconvened at 8.30pm for public comments
Mr. Keith Donno, Churchwarden, spoke about the proposed extension to All Saints Church in Alburgh. The church is in need of up to date facilities, i.e. a toilet, a servery to enable serving refreshments and a small meeting room that could be used by the church and any other village groups. There is a lot of planning required before detailed plans can be presented but in the meantime the church are consulting various groups in Alburgh and comments are welcome from the wider community.
The footpath which leads to Broadwash Farm which was discussed last month has been logged with NCC but we have not received any reply.
We have received an email from Paul Randall who has recently purchased Broadwash Farm. Mr. Randall kindly came to the meeting tonight and following on from his email read out his comments as follows:
- This is not a public footpath but the main entrance to my property so the public do not have right of access although the gate is not locked as stated.
- The public footpath that does run through my land goes from the A143 through to Gawdy Estate. I have spent a great deal of effort and finance to place part of this footpath back where it originally was before the route become choked with undergrowth. While this route was impassable walkers took the least line of resistance and walked up my rear driveway. Now I am starting extensive renovations to the house and surrounding area so placing the route of the path back to where it originally was is not only logical but also safer so that members of the public are protected from the building works. The current routing is also safer for dogs that can run safely without leaving the pathway.
All present were happy with all the work that Mr. Randall has done and thanked him for coming.
The clerk will, out of courtesy, write a letter to Wortwell Parish Council to inform them of the situation.
- Close of meeting
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.32pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 2nd November, 2017.