Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday, 4th May 2017 at 8.05pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny – Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs Goose
Mr Renaut
Mrs. Davis
Mrs Beckett
Also attending: 13 members of the public, Dr. M Gray, Mrs J Ellis – clerk.
1 Welcome by the Chairman
- To receive and accept apologies for absence: None
- To elect a Chairman for the coming year and to receive a Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn proposed that Mr Denny continue as chairman for the coming year, seconded Mrs. Davis. All were in favour. Mr. Denny signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
- To elect a Vice Chairman for the coming year
Mrs. Beckett proposed Mrs. Gladden-Fenn be elected as vice chairman, seconded Mr. Renaut. All were in favour.
- To elect a new parish councillor to fill the vacancy on the parish council and to sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office
We have had two candidates apply for this position. Mr. Denny read out their application letters.
Mr. Denny then asked the two candidates to leave the room while the vote was carried out. The two candidates were then brought back in to the room and Mr. Denny announced that Gill Gedge had been elected. Mrs. Gedge signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
- To receive any declarations of interest from members on any item to be discussed
Mrs. Davis, Mr. Renaut and Mrs. Goose declared an interest on a planning application 2017/0871 for Alburgh Village Hall.
- To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the April 2017 meeting were signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman as a correct record.
- The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 8.17pm to 8.20pm
A member of the public asked about the criteria for the speeding restrictions along part of Station Road and Mill Road. Mr. Denny informed him that this has been looked in to on previous occasions and we do not meet the criteria as there are not enough houses in that area.
- Reports from our District and County Councillors
Dr. Gray informed us that following on from the last meeting the CIL that he told us about does not apply to a self build property or affordable housing.
- To discuss matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
Following on from the Defibrillator training – a code is needed to get access to the defibrillator. The community heartbeat do a fridge magnet and a key fob with this on. These are 25 pence each. After discussion it was decided to get 75 of each. Mr. Denny will organise this.
Mr. Denny organised Daniel Meadows to cut down the tree in the corner of the playing field. The total cost of this was £250.00. Mr. Denny has paid this in full. Mrs. Pearce has paid £100.00 which leaves the parish council to pay £150.00.
- Correspondence
Mr. Denny has received information on claiming Wayleaves and will look in to this for the four electric poles on the playing field.
- Update on Film Night
Mr. Denny reported:
The last film showing was ‘The United Kingdom’ and was again well attended.
- Playing Field Report and quote for new sign
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn did inspection. All was in good order.
The clerk has requested the amendment to the sign from Diss Signmakers but to date has received no further reply.
- To report on planning decisions, applications commented on since last meeting
Ref: 2017/0871 – Alburgh Village Hall. Proposal: Extension to store-room. No parish councillor had any objection.
Ref: 2017/0570 – Mr. M. Blackham, Agricultural Building Adj to Ivy Farm, Low Road, Alburgh. Notification for prior approval for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling house Decision: Approval of details – Refused.
Ref: 2017/0533 – Mr M Blackham, Ivy House Farm, Low Road, Alburgh. Formation of residential access. Decision: Refusal.
- To approve payments to be made, monies received and to discuss new bank signatory
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £178.75 plus expenses £15.60
Moviola Ltd £144.80
Came & Company Insurance £690.34
Daniel Meadows Tree surgery £150.00
Mr. T. Davis, Tea and biscuits for Defibrillator training evening £10.00
Fig N Roses – bouquet for Mrs. Walton £30.00
Receipts: Film Night £308.00 plus £39.00 ice creams
SNC Precept £2,938.00 plus Grant £124.00
We require a new signatory for our bank account. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn proposed Mr. Renaut, seconded Mrs. Davis. Mr. Denny will enquire about sorting this with the bank.
- To receive items for the next agenda
It is our turn next to host the Joint Parish Council meeting and to think about who we could have as a speaker.
To sign the Audit Form for Mazars after completion of internal audit by Lynda Ling
To approve payment to Lynda Ling for internal audit
The date and time of the next parish council meeting will be Thursday, 1st June at 7.30pm.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8.40pm and reconvened at 8.43pm for public comments
Members of the public spoke about the heavy lorries that travel through the village. Mr. Denny suggested getting the vehicle registration and the times and to report them to the police.
- Close of meeting
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 1st June 2017.