Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 2nd February, 2017 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny – Chairman
Mrs. Walton – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs Goose
Mr Renaut
Mrs. Davis
Also attending: 13 members of the public, Dr. M Gray, Mrs. M Stone, J. Ellis – Clerk
Apologies: Mrs Beckett
To approve the Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the January 2017 meeting were signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman, as a correct record.
Mrs. Margaret Stone, County Councillor gave her report early in the meeting:
- Spoke about Children’s Services and Adult social care. Adult social care is costing more as demands on the service are increasing. People live much longer, which is great if you are healthy. However many live with long term conditions or dementia for which support needs to be provided. Currently £11m overspent.
- Government support grants will be replaced by business grants. By 2020 business grants will be paid direct to county councils rather than to central government.
- Every committee is planning for 2017/18 based on the assumption that council tax would increase overall by 4.8%.
- Mr. Denny asked again about the gritting on Broad Road – Mrs. Stone said there is specific criteria for gritting and she will ask Bob Edwards again for this.
- The subject of Speed Limits in the village was also mentioned again – Mrs. Stone said again that there is specific criteria for this which she will get.
Dr. M. Gray, District councillor gave the following report:
- District council reducing government funding – council tax will see a 3.7% increase this year.
- District ward boundaries – this is now in the hands of the boundary commission – final solution to come out in March.
- District council review of parish boundaries – no date as yet as in the very early stages.
- Consulted about proposed phone mast at South Farm
- Update on toilets and car parking in Harleston to come at next meeting.
Public Participation
The gentleman who organises ‘Dabbos’ the local oil buying syndicate spoke. The area is spreading; he has been approached by Topcroft and Mettingham about joining the syndicate rather than setting up their own arrangement. The more members we have the better deals we get on oil prices. Alburgh parish councillors said they were happy for other villages to become involved and to say that ‘Dabbos’ is endorsed by Alburgh Parish Council. Mr. Denny thanked the gentleman for all the work that he does.
It was requested that a piece goes in the parish magazine about owners picking up their dog mess. This will be done.
Footpath signs need replacing. The parishioner will let Mrs. Walton or the clerk have list of which signs need doing.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Health and Safety on Grass cutting – Mr. Lazaretti needs to wear a yellow jacket when cutting hedge on road side. Mr. Denny will sort this.
Weight restriction sign at the bottom of Station Road – We have had a response from Bob Edwards at Highways who informs us that the weight restriction is an environmental limit covering all the junctions off the A143 so the signs are correctly positioned at the junction with the A143. The weight restriction signs are at the junction with the A143 and are set just in so they are visible to drivers before they commit at the junction.
Councillors and residents who live on Dove Hill are not happy with this response and asked the clerk to contact Bob Edwards again and to ask him to attend a site meeting.
The clerk has completed the Transparency Fund Application Form for the parish council’s lap top which has gone to the National Association for final consideration.
Film Night
Mr. Denny reported that this was again a success and well attended. The next Film will be shown on 17th February and is Bridget Jones’s Baby.
Parish councillors thanked Peter Wrench for all the work he has done on Rice’s Lane.
Mrs. Walton has been in touch with Ian Sharman the Case Officer at Norfolk County Council, for an update on Rice’s Lane. He has had most of the consultation responses back from landowners and has started drafting the archive report. He is hoping, due to the authority held by the inclosure award, to be able to have a decision sent out sometime over the next few months.
Lohr Bungalow Light
Mrs. Davis has previously spoken to the owner, Mr. Edwards who informed her that he will be moving the light or dipping it down as it is very bright and also dangerous to motorists. To date nothing has been done. Clerk to write to Mr. Edwards at 2 Lohr Bungalow to ask him to do this.
Medicine Rota
We have had no response to our advert about this in the parish magazine. After discussions it was agreed that with effect from 1st April this will cease to exist.
This has not been fitted as yet due to the delivery driver having an accident. We have been informed that this should now be fitted the second week in February. There will then follow a training evening.
Bus Stop – Cleaning and Time table
Mrs. Goose has noted that the bus stops are covered with green stuff and cannot be read. She has kindly offered to clean these and check that the timetable is up to date. She reported that the time tables are out of date. Clerk to write to Bus company for up to date time tables. Mr. Denny gave thanks to Mrs. Goose for cleaning these.
South Norfolk Council’s Big Litter Pick
The Litter Pick has now been launched again for this year. We have from the 1st February to the end of May to complete a litter pick and receive £20.00. We will also be placed in a draw to win one of 20 prizes of £200 for use in our community. South Norfolk will provide the necessary equipment and instructions. Date decided on was 22nd April, 2017 at 2pm. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn will organise this.
Playing Field
Mr. Renaut did inspection. All was in good order, neat and tidy.
Decisions Received:
2016/2578 Mr. Dean Gibson, 25 The Street, Alburgh. Approval with conditions
2016/2726 Mr. A Strachan, 42 The Street, Alburgh. Approval with conditions
Discussions on Planning Application 2017/0079 Mr.P Martin, Land to the front of Friends Farm Barn, The Street, Alburgh.
Parish Councillors will refuse this application; comments being: this site lies outside the development boundary for Alburgh. The site will have only a very small garden and will look rather squashed. Also do not like the idea of building in a front garden and feel this will set a precedent for the rest of the village.
The residents of Quakers Rest expressed their concerns and Mr. Martin explained his application.
A letter was sent to Alburgh Village Hall from Harlequin Group re: Proposed Base Station Installation for mobile phone network at Grain Brewery, South Farm, Alburgh.
Mr. Denny thought it may be a good idea for Alburgh Church Council to look in to this as well. Councillors are happy for the church to persue it and we will write to Harlequin to confirm that the Church can look further in to this.
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £143.40 plus expenses £15.60
Moviola Ltd £144.80
Alburgh Village Hall – Hire of Hall for 2016 £285.00
Receipts: Film Night £308.00
Public Participation
To receive items for next agenda
Date for APM
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.55pm.
Mr. Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 2nd March 2017.