Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th January 2016 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. Beckett
Mrs. Davis
Mrs P Goose
Also attending: 4 members of the public
Dr. M. Gray, District councillor
Apologies: Margaret Stone, County Councillor
Mr. Renaut
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the November 2015 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation
It was brought to our attention that the government intend to sell off some affordable housing. We asked Dr. Gray how this affects SNC and Saffron Housing. He assured us that although this is one of 5 pilot schemes in the country they will not be selling off newer properties. It was agreed to write a letter to Richard Bacon, Saffron and SNC to express our concerns and how we are strongly opposed to the sale of housing.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
The hedge opposite the village hall entrance has now been cut.
Correspondence – None
Film Night
The last film ‘Mr. Holmes’ was well attended with 71 people. The Children’s Film was Arthur Christmas and was also well attended with approx 70 people attending. This was a success and enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Walton gave thanks to all who helped with this.
Broadband Connection
Mrs. Walton has received a letter from Peter and Ann Wrench of Holbrook Hall, Station Road, Alburgh. They have been experiencing frequent problems with their broadband connection, just cutting out and then re-starting itself. After discussions, it appears that several people in the village have also been experiencing problems. Mrs. Walton asked people to log their interruptions and we will contact B.T. to let them know of the problems in Alburgh.
Dr. Gray advised that Karen O’Kane, who works for NCC and is in charge of ‘Better Broadband’ has been to see Wortwell parish council who have also been experiencing
poor broadband connection. It was agreed we will invite Karen to come to our next meeting to talk to us about ‘Better Broadband’. Mrs. Beckett asked that at this proposed meeting, we could ask about the supply of better broadband to outlying properties such as hers.
Footpath from Station Road to the lane near Ivy Farm.
Richard Bond and Ruth Walton have been to look at this footpath and it is severely blocked at one end. Richard Bond quoted a price to clear this of £600.00.
Mrs. Walton has been in touch with Bob Flatt who calls this lane Rice’s Lane. He states that this is not a private track and it does not belong to Mr. Bond or Tony Bush. This path was awarded to Alburgh as a parish highway under the enclosure Acts in the 1800’s. This information is available in the County Record Office. He also says that the County Council has in the past accepted responsibility for the clearing of this track.
Mrs. Walton also mentioned that Hempnall parish council have also had problems with their footpaths. The clerk has emailed their chairman but did not get a very positive response so Mrs. Walton said that she will ring their chairman.
It was agreed that we will try and get Jim Sherry from NCC to come to our meeting and also Margaret Stone.
Playing Field
Mrs Beckett did inspection. All was in good order.
It was agreed to put a sign on new bin. Mrs. Goose will do this.
In the Millennium Garden there is some shrubbery which has fallen off and in to the pond. This needs to be removed. Mr. Denny will ask Mr. Whitton to do this.
There are a few jobs which need doing following on from the inspection report. It was agreed to put this on the agenda in March and to arrange a date to carry out these jobs in the spring. Mr. Denny offered to do a couple of small jobs this month.
The clerk has received an e-mail from SNC regarding consultations on planning applications. As from 2nd January, 2016, to become more efficient and speed up the planning application service, all consultations will be electronic. Clerks will be e-mailed a notification letter and return form for comments. Plans will need to be downloaded from the SNC website.
It was agreed that we will email SNC to say that we will do our best with these new changes but there may be some delays due to our problems with broadband.
Precept 2016/17
All parish councillors have now had a chance to look at the budget document the clerk has previously prepared. All councillors agreed on a precept again this year of £6,000.00. The chairman and clerk signed the form.
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £283.90 plus expenses £31.20
Moviola Film Night £116.80 (For September 2015)
Moviola Film Night £136.40 (For November 2015)
Hmrc – PAYE £106.60
Christmas Film Night – Popcorn, Ice Creams £27.16
Cement and Ballast for ramp for Millennium Garden £40.25
Mr. J Whitton for grass cutting, strimming and concrete ramp £425.00
Mr. C. Thomas – Hedge cutting £115.50
Creative Arts East £105.60
Receipts: £284.00 Film Night
£26.00 Ice Cream Sales
£326.43 Funeral Donations from Matthew Denny to go towards the Playing Field.
£166.00 Carol Singing donation to go towards the Playing Field in memory of Jane
and David Denny’s sons.
£20.00 – SNC Community Litter Pick
£150.00 – SNC Christmas Film
Mrs. Walton will put a ‘Thank You’ in the parish magazine to all the people who donated. And also gave a big Thank you to David Denny.
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- Long Stratton Area Action Plan – Proposed Hempnall Roundabout – The Inspector did not want to specify what would happen at that junction. Dr. Murray has written in to object to that. Parish councillors wish to object as well. Clerk to write letter to SNC.
- Still has £200 ward grant available so to think about we would like this to go towards.
Public Participation
The War Memorial needs cleaning. Mr. Morris hopefully has literature on cleaning which he will try to find and speak to Mrs. Walton. Cleaning of War Memorial to go on March Agenda.
To receive items for next agenda – None
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.35pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 4th February, 2016.