Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 5th November 2015 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Mrs. Davis
Mrs P Goose
Also attending: 3 members of the public
Dr. M. Gray, District councillor
Apologies: Margaret Stone, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the October 2015 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation
The hedge near the Bus Stop needs cutting. This is in hand and will be cut shortly.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Mr. Denny will ask Mr. Whitton to strim the section at Cherry Tree Crossroads which has been missed.
Mrs. Davis has spoken to the gentleman who lives at 2 Lohr Bungalows in Alburgh. He explained that he needs a light for security. He is aware that it is in the wrong place and will move it to the side when he has some longer cable.
The hedge opposite the village hall entrance has not been cut. Clerk to send a reminder.
Correspondence – None
Footpath from Station Road to the lane near Ivy Farm.
We have not received any definite response from NCC apart from them asking which number footpath this was again as they seem unable to locate it.
Mrs. Walton has spoken with Mr. Richard Bond who said that he would put a bush cutter down the lane. This was approx a week ago and to date has not been done.
Playing Field
Mrs. Goose did inspection. All was in good order.
There was a bag of dog mess in the bin in the gardens.
David Bracey has carried out our Play Area Safety Inspection. As this is quite a large document it will go in to circulation for councillors to read and return at the next meeting.
Mr. Denny said that the new bin has now been installed and the ramp has also been done. Mrs. Walton gave thanks to Mr. Denny for organising and helping with this.
Millennium Pond
Mr. Denny asked why the bulrushes need to be removed. He said that he has been asked this question by a few people in the village. They have been cut back and they feel the pond looks nice with them in. After discussion it was agreed to leave the pond as it is and to keep the bulrushes trimmed and to review this next spring.
War Memorial
We have received an email from Katy Whitaker of Historic England. She is pleased to inform us that the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has decided to add Alburgh War Memorial to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. It is now listed at Grade 2. Listing helps to mark a building’s significance and celebrate its special architectural and historic interest. It brings specific protection so that its special interest can be properly considered in managing its future. This will go in the parish magazine.
Film Night
The last film ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ was well attended.
We have had problems with films; slight gaps in film. Simply Sound think it may be a problem with the leads. They will come out and replace them next week. Hopefully this will resolve the problem.
Discussions on whether to put on a film for children in December. The Monday before Christmas was mentioned as a possible date. Mr. Denny will look in to this and have a word with the School. It was agreed to do this free of charge but maybe charge for ice creams.
Precept 2016/17
The clerk has prepared a budget document for discussion which all parish councillors have had
e- mailed to them to look at. Mrs. Walton asked councillors to study this and come back with their views at the January meeting.
Decisions received: Mr. Nigel Bond, South Farm, Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Standing of 6 storage containers for storage purposes for the existing businesses which currently operate from the site. This has been approved with conditions.
Applications received: None
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- As of 26th October 2015, SNC adopted The Local Plan documents. There are two remaining in the local plan.
- A lot of time has been taken up with the issue of devolution. The government is encouraging counties, e.g. Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, to work together to take on more responsibility from government. Gray explained devolution.
- £200 ward grant still available and Dr. Gray would be happy to sponsor the children’s Christmas film. Denny said that the cost would be in the region of £100.00.
In her absence Margaret Stone emailed the following report:
- Better Broadband – Access to high-speed broadband has doubled in Norfolk.
- Winter Campaign – This is designed to help people get through the winter. The council has 51 gritting lorries.
- NCC is to consult residents on a package of budget proposals to help save them £123 million over the next 3 years.
Payments: J Ellis, Clerk salary £142.05 plus expenses £31.32
Redenhall with Harleston Town Council Donation for car parking £300.00
Moviola Film Night £139.20
David Bracey for Play Area Inspection £90.00
It was agreed to donate £35.00 each to EACH, Leonard Cheshire Home, Norfolk Accident Rescue, C.A.B., Break and East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Receipts: £292.00 Film Night
£31.00 Ice Cream Sales
£2,881.50 – Precept
Public Participation – None
To receive items for next agenda
Mr. Denny, as our parish council representative, attended the Denton & Alburgh magazine annual meeting. The magazine has made a loss of £350 over the year but they are happy to leave everything the same as last year. It was agreed that we would write a letter to Keith Dunbar to say ‘Thank You’ for all his hard work he puts in to the magazine.
Clerk to enquire from SNC whether we are entitled to £20.00 for doing the litter pick.
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.30pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 7th January, 2016.