Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 21st May, 2015 at 7.50pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Election of Chairman – Mrs. Gladden-Fenn proposed Mrs. Walton continue as Chairman, seconded Mrs. Goose. All were in favour.
Election of Vice Chairman – Mr. Renaut proposed Mr. Denny continue as Vice Chairman, seconded Mrs. Beckett. All were in favour.
All councillors signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Mrs. Walton welcomed all parish councillors and Julie Davis our new parish councillor.
Mrs. Beckett has resigned as our representative of the parish council on the village hall committee. Mrs. Walton asked Mrs. Davis if she would be prepared to take on this role and she said she would.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Mrs. Davis
Also attending: 7 members of the public
Apologies: Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Margaret Somerville, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the April 2015 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation – None
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes – None
Mrs. Walton has been contacted by a school governor to ask about the plainings on School Road. We requested this a couple of months back and this has still not been done. Clerk to e-mail Bob Edwards again.
Film Night
The last 2 films; The Imitation Game shown on the 17th April and The Theory of Everything on the 15th May were both a success. Mr. Denny is going to organise a demonstration of the cinema equipment which he will let everyone know about.
The footpath from Station Road towards the lane near Ivy Farm needs cutting back. Clerk to contact NCC about this.
Speed Awareness Monitor
We have received an update from Roy Payne at Westcotec. The sign is in manufacture and he hopes to get the sign in within the next 2-3 weeks and then order the connection from UK power networks. He will let us know when he has a definite date.
Update on Litter Pick
The Litter Pick was carried out on Saturday, 25th April at 2.00pm. This was a good community effort and there were 12 volunteers on the day and they managed to collect 11 bags of rubbish and 4 recycling. The rubbish was collected the following Tuesday.
Broken bench on corner of Church Road
This bench is broken and beyond repair. All felt this should be replaced and kept where it is. Mr. Denny offered to remove the bench.
Whilst discussing this bench it was remembered that the bench on the playing field was never replaced. Clerk to get a quotation for 2 benches.
Overgrown hedge at the Old Armoury, Dove Hill
The new residents of the Old Armoury are here tonight. He spoke about the hedge and explained his plan of how this is going to be cut. All councillors were happy with this and thanked him for coming.
Footpath Map
The Footpath Map near the village hall can not be read as it is clouded over and requires the Perspex replacing. Clerk to ask SNC to do this. There are also individual footpath maps on posts on certain fields in the village which are broken. Clerk to also ask SNC who is responsible for these.
Playing Field
Mr. Renaut did inspection. All equipment was in good order.
The grass has not been cut in 6 weeks. Clerk to contact Norse.
The hedges need cutting, and strimming required. Mr. Denny will ask John Whitton.
Decisions received: None Applications received: None
Payments: Simply Sound – New Equipment £6,774.30 – Already paid on 28.4.15
Sutcliffe Play – New Swings £368.28 – Already paid on 15.4.15
J Ellis, Clerk salary £142.05
HMR&C – Paye £35.40
Moviola Ltd £150.80
Moviola Ltd £118.20
Came & Company Insurance £667.59
Receipts: Film Night x 2 – £232.00 and £328.00
Ice Cream Sales x 2 – £48.00 and £14.00
Public Participation
Mrs. Wright spoke about the bench on the corner of Church Road. Mr. Denny will check to see whether this is dangerous or not before removing.
Discussions on making the Millennium Garden accessible for wheel chairs. There is a product you can put on gravel. Mr. Denny will look in to this.
The church wish to put a flyer in the ‘Welcome Pack’. All were in agreement with this.
To receive items for next agenda
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.40pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 4th June, 2015.