Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 5th March, 2015 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Also attending: Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
25 members of the public
Apologies: Mr Morris
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the February 2015 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation –
There has been an Appeal against Refusal on the Planning Application of Mr. Mark Thompson for the land on Station Road, Alburgh. This matter was discussed first. Dr. Gray read out part of his letter to SNC giving his reasons for refusal of this appeal. He also explained Para 55 of the NPPF to us. Mrs. Walton gave thanks to Dr. Gray.
Mrs. Walton then went round the room giving everyone the opportunity to speak. The following points were raised:
- Design and construction not in keeping with the village.
- This plan does not have dimensions on it and so we have no idea of the size of the dwelling. How would we know if it were being built correctly?
- As requests for information have been made and not answered properly there is a feeling that information is being deliberately withheld.
- Plans should be more specific.
- What is the size of the observatory?
- The drawing states ‘Access to Private Wing’ – does this mean that some of the dwelling is for business purposes?
- Questions on drainage. There is no provision for sewerage plans or of how the water that naturally lies on the clay field will be managed. How will this affect neighbouring homes?
- The Plans show a ‘Studio’ and the question was asked of how this is going to be used. As the applicant has presented media programmes as a living, does this mean that staff will be working on site and thereby causing extra traffic and possible parking issues?
The parish council’s comments as listed above will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate.
Mrs. Wright enquired about the Film Nights. She asked if we could put on the posters and adverts for these that they are in aid of the parish council as some people think that the proceeds are for the village hall. Mr. Denny said that he will do this and explain this at the next film night.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Millennium Garden – Mr. Denny has cut the grass. Claudette Whitton is happy to carry on with her small piece of garden.
Film Night
Mr. Denny reported that the last film night was again a success. They are in the process of installing the projector, etc, which should be completed tomorrow. On 17th April, Saffron are coming and bringing people to take pictures, etc. when ‘The Imitation Game’ will be shown.
There has been 2 scramble bikes riding on the footpath at the top of Dove Hill and they are ‘furrowing’ the already muddy and narrow path. We have taken advice from Highways and the clerk has contacted the land owner who informs us that he has not given permission for anyone to ride here. A notice has been put up to say no bicycles or motor bikes on footpath.
After discussing the footpaths again and following on from last month in which we said that we would contact the land owners that we know to ask them to keep footpaths in good condition, it was felt that a better approach would be to contact the Footpaths Officer first. It was agreed that parish councillors would walk what footpaths they could and report back at next meeting.
Speed Awareness Monitor
We have received an email from Patrick Scarle of NCC informing us that they do not support our proposal. We feel that the points/reasons why are inaccurate. He does say that a SAM2 sign would be supported and the scheme would fund up to 50%. He suggests that we could share this with Earsham parish council who have also had their VAS bid refused. Parish Councillors said that they do not want to share a mobile monitor with Earsham. Mrs. Walton has emailed Patrick Scarle again outlining our points and asking him to re-consider. To date we have received no further reply.
Litter Pick
The Litter Pick has been organised for Saturday, 25th April at 2.00pm. Further arrangements to be made at our next meeting.
Playing Field
Mrs. Walton did inspection. All equipment was in good order.
The swings are ordered and will come in due course.
Decisions received: None
Applications received: Mr. Bond, South Farm, Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Change of use from a firewood processing site to the standing of 6 self storage cargo containers, for general public rental.
Details were passed to parishioners present for their thoughts. The general comments were that of approval but concerns were raised over the appearance and use of the containers.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £189.15
Creative Arts East £24.00
Moviola Ltd £119.60
Norfolk Playing Fields Ass Membership £20.00
Receipts: Film Night £228.00
Ice Cream Sales £13.00
Clerks pay rise was discussed, it was agreed to increase by 2% to £9.10 per hour.
To Confirm Date for AGM
Mr. Renaut confirmed that the hall is free to hold our AGM and APM on the 21st May, 2015.
Mrs. Walton asked how councillors felt about having meetings on the second Thursday in the month. Dr. Gray had no problem with this nor did other parish councillors. Clerk to ask Margaret Somerville.
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- Debate on the new toilets in Harleston was held this morning and lasted 2 hours. There has been a lot of controversy about the toilets, the design, vandalism and you have to pay. The conclusion was that the majority of councillors felt this was a better idea and to carry on with the programme.
- Funding available through community grants – next year have £30,000 to spend on projects. District councillors will have £1,000 split between the 5 parishes again as last year.
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn asked Dr. Gray about the North Barn Conversion and if they can put sheds up without planning permission. Dr. Gray says, although he is not a qualified planning officer, he felt that in general if sheds are in the back garden you can cover half your garden in structures without permission. It is different for front garden. You would need Consent for a real ‘Menage’.
Public Participation
To receive items for next agenda – Litter Pick
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 2nd April, 2015.