Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th November, 2014 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr. Morris
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Also attending: 4 members of the public
Apologies: Margaret Somerville, County Councillor
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the October 2014 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation –
The sign at bottom of Church Road which says ‘Paynes Hill’ cannot be read as all the letters have come off. Clerk to report to SNC.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Affordable Housing –
The fourth dwelling is now occupied. As yet the hedges in front of the houses have not been cut. Clerk to remind Saffron.
Bus Service –
The clerk has received an email confirmation from Philip Eden, the Operations Manager of Anglian Bus, that concessions are available on the 9.24 bus to Norwich.
Publications to go in to circulation: NCC Norfolk’s budget and services 2015-18.
Film Night
The last film night was again a success. Mr. Denny has had problems obtaining a projector. The projector we have been recommended to buy has been discontinued. Richard Gedge is looking at other models.
School Governor
We have received a letter from Alburgh with Denton C of E Primary School advising us that due to the imminent relocation of Jane Marlow, Sponsor Governor, there will be a vacancy on their Governing Board which has been filled previously by a nominee put forward by Denton parish Council and Alburgh parish council. As their governing board currently has several members from the Denton community, they would prefer an Alburgh village/community representative and Denton parish council have confirmed this. They ask if we have any interested candidate? 3 people were mentioned – Ruth Walton offered to speak to them and to include this in the parish magazine.
We have received an email from a parishioner advising us that the footpath just past Low Meadow Cottage in Alburgh is completely impassable due to a thicket of brambles. She has made a report to NCC and was told that due to cut backs they are encouraging parish councils to look after footpaths. Clerk to contact Margaret Somerville.
We have received a letter from Peter Hill, Chairman of Denton parish council, regarding Back Lane. Concerns why only part of Back Lane appears on the Definative Map as maintained by NCC. The lane was cleared about 20 years ago after it became very overgrown and a footbridge was constructed over the Beck but it appears never to have been formalised as a Right of Way. It appears there was a joint Alburgh/Denton initiative (about 15 years ago) to get the lane established as a Public Right of Way. Mr. Hill wondered if we had any further information. After discussions, it was agreed that we would seek advice from older members of the community and we will get back to him. Ruth Walton agreed to do this.
Playing Field
Mrs. Beckett did inspection and raised the following concerns:
The seat as supplied by Mrs Seaman is no longer safe. It was agreed to remove the seat. We will write a letter to Mrs. Seaman to inform her of this and to let her know that we will keep the plaque.
It was agreed to take off the Cradle swing seats and the swing seats including all the chains. Mr. Denny agreed to do this.
The Playing Field Inspection has been carried out which included the above and also the following recommendations:
Area by Basket Swing – we will attend to the grass area near the Basket swing as soon as the weather permits, i.e. the Spring.
Due to Overhead Cables, it was recommended we have a ‘No Kite Flying’ Sign. Clerk to look in to this.
We have received an email from two boys in the village saying that they have been to play football several times and have found the goals inadequate to play properly and wondered if we would consider investing in some new bigger goals. It was agreed to reply to them to invite them to our January 2015 meeting and ask if they would like to discuss this further.
Decisions received: None
Applications received:
2014/1652 – Barn at Station Farm, Station Road, Alburgh. All councillors approved.
2014/2044 – Springfield House, The Street, Alburgh. All councillors approved.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £189.15
Creative Arts East £24.00 x 2
Moviola Ltd £163.55
David Bracey – Play Area Inspection £90.00
J Whitton – Hedge and grass cutting £584.00
Receipts: Film Night £304.00
Ice Cream Sales £45.00
Sale of Alburgh Book £10.00
Sale of War memorial booklets £6.00
This is the month we give our donations which were discussed: It was agreed to donate £35.00 each to Citizens Advice Bureau, Norfolk Accident Rescue Service, Each, Break and Leonard Cheshire Homes.
The clerk has prepared Budget figures for setting our precept for 2015/16. Councillors will look at this and discuss further at our January 2015 meeting.
Richard Morris has compiled a lovely book of photographs from the development of the Affordable Housing Development. He is kindly donating this which will be kept by the clerk. Ruth Walton gave sincere thanks to Richard for doing this.
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray emailed a report in his absence which reads as follows:
- He is monitoring the situation at the Wortwell Farm Shop which has closed and where vegetation has been removed. Rumour has is that it is being changed to car sales but this will require planning permission for change of use.
- Landscaping/planting condition in front of the new Station Motors fence has not yet been implemented.
We have received an email from Richard Bacon MP regarding ‘Community Right to Reduce Speed’. Under his proposal, parish councils would have the right to request a speed limit on a named road within their boundaries be reduced by 10mph. It was agreed to reply to Mr. Bacon saying that we are in full agreement with his proposal and he has the support of Alburgh parish council.
Public Participation – None
To receive items for next agenda – Budget/Precept, Footpaths, Cost of swing seats, School Governor.
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 8th January, 2015.