Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 2nd October, 2014 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr. Morris
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. Beckett
Also attending: 4 members of the public
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Apologies: Margaret Somerville, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the September 2014 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation – None
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Email received from Bob Edwards, Highways Engineer from NCC re our request for the 30mph speed limit to be extended along Broad Road and Mill Road. The email states that 30mph speed limits are contained to the clearly defined core of the village and not the fringes of the village. There is the option of 40 mph limit but this would only be considered if there had been a personal injury accident along this stretch of road. Clerk to forward this email to the residents who asked for this information.
Publications to go in to circulation:
Norfolk Link
Norfolk RCC Signpost
NCC’s budget and priorities for 2015/18.
Film Night
Mr. Denny has a demonstration projector model coming on Monday. There are a few things that still need to be sorted with regard to the sound, etc. and Mr. Denny is going to try out a few variations. It was felt that we should try to advertise the film night a bit more with signs on the road side. This will be discussed more.
Affordable Housing
Parish councillors have been to see the completed houses and were very impressed at how well they were done. 3 residents have moved in; 2 from Alburgh and 1 from Ditchingham. Mr.
Renaut asked if the hedges in front of the houses could be cut and tidied up. Clerk to ask Saffron and to also let them know how pleased we are with how the new build has gone.
Long Stratton Area Action Plan
Councillors have now had a look at the Area Action Plan and the following comments were made. The new houses look vast in comparison to the employment area. When looking at the density of number of houses and small area designated for employment it appears that most people will be working away from Long Stratton. The by pass is essential and the roundabout at Hempnall crossroads is absolutely essential. Clerk to inform SNC of our views.
Gypsies and Travellers Local Plan
Councillors have looked at the information on the CD and felt that it is very long – it would take too long to read all the information. Dr. Gray advised that there will be further consultations when the sites are proposed. It was agreed to wait until sites are proposed before we make any comments.
Notice Board
Ruth Walton has spoken to Dean Gibson who is making the notice board. He has asked if we want the doors to be made from Perspex or glass. It was decided on Perspex. Mrs. Walton will pass this information on.
Christmas Craft Fair – 15th November, 2014
Pat Goose asked if we would like a table. It was decided not to.
Bus Service
We have received an email from Anglian Bus Services. They state that the revisions are being made in order to match the service with the current usage and demands in an effort to reduce costs. Norfolk County Council have been involved throughout the planning stage and the changes result in less cost to them as well. With regard to the times at Alburgh, concessions will not be available on the 0858 bus to Harleston, but are available on the 0924 to Norwich. They explain that the new times give people more time in Harleston.
Mrs. Goose has spoken to the Operations Manager at Anglian Bus Services about going to Norwich using the free bus pass and he said that he should be ok. Clerk to get confirmation of this.
Website domain name renewal
Kris West has informed us the domain name is now due for renewal again. He is happy to do this for us again this year. It was agreed that we would do the same as last year and instead of paying him to do this we would do an exchange for the allotment rent in the name of Brenda Powys.
Play Area Annual Inspection
Safety Playgrounds undertook our inspection this time last year and ask if we would like it done again this year. The cost is £75.00 plus vat. Councillors were happy to go ahead with this. Clerk to arrange.
Playing Field
Mr. Renaut did inspection. All was in good order.
The hedges need trimming. Mr. Denny will ask John Whitton to look at the hedges that need doing.
The pond in the millennium garden needs cleaning. Mr. Denny will ask John Whitton to have a look at this also.
Decisions received:
2014/0209 – Nigel Bond, South Farm, Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Approval with conditions.
Clerk to look on SNC web site for a full list of conditions.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £189.15
Norse – 6 monthly charge for grounds maintenance £193.50
Moviola Ltd £94.40
Receipts: SNC Adopter Payment £200.00
SNC Security Cover £200.00
SNC Precept £2,910.50
Film Night £160.00
Ice Cream Sales £25.00
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- New Recycling regime has started
- Will be receiving a letter about planning application plans – asking if prepared to use smaller plans or do it from the web site in the hope of saving money.
- Possible plan to simplify grants
Public Participation
Gill Gedge mentioned that the Footpaths around the village need tidying. She and her husband very kindly offered to tidy some.
There are Hedges along The Street in the village which are very overgrown and obstructing the footpath. It was felt we would ask the occupiers to trim the hedges so that pedestrians can walk on the footpath.
Dinah Beckett informed us that the Church have now been able to put out to tender for the urgent repairs to the vestry.
To receive items for next agenda
Planning application plans
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.00pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 6th November, 2014.