Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 5th September, 2013 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr Morris
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. D. Beckett
Also attending:
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs. J. Pearce
Mr & Mrs. Gedge
Dr. M. Gray, District councillor
Geoff Doggett
Apologies: Margaret Somerville, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the July 2013 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation – None
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes – None
The following will be circulated:
Norfolk Link
Norfolk RCC Signpost
Geoff Doggett – River Waveney Trust
Mr. Doggett spoke to us tonight about the River Waveney Trust. This now has 474 members. They are split in to 5 groups each with an allocated stretch of the river. They now have a 5 year lease on the old ‘Otter Trust’ and they hope to set up a River Waveney Study Centre there.
Homersfield Pocket Park –
- After an application from River Waveney Trust they now own this land.
- They are drawing up a new plan for new trees, new picnic tables, dog bin, litter bins.
- Maintenance will be 3 or 4 cuts a year.
- This area floods quite badly due to a problem with land drains which they need to talk to land owner about.
- The boardwalk fell apart after 4 years as materials were terrible. A grant was received last year and they are working on a better plan to repair this. This needs to go through the environment agency and may get started this autumn or next spring.
- They have received free trees from Woodland Trust.
- They are always asking for volunteers to help.
- Mr. Doggett will keep in touch.
Mr. Doggett is also a trustee for Borderhoppa which is a community bus service for South Norfolk. They have just received a £346,000 grant for 2 new buses, 3 full time paid drivers and 1 new office person. Mr. Doggett offered to come back at a later date to talk to us in more detail about this.
Mrs. Goose should have had SAM on Tuesday but as this could not be delivered she has it today for 2 weeks. More volunteers are always required. No further news on the grant.
Playing Field Report
Mrs. Walton did report. All was in good order.
The recycling area has been changed without our prior knowledge. Two glass bins have been replaced with paper bins. As such the glass bin is completely full. Clerk to ask SNC for another glass bin.
Joy Playgrounds have emailed us a handbook and information on checking the equipment. We had already received this previously. We had tried to come and get them to come out and show us on site how to check the equipment but to no avail. It was pointed out the councillors are unable and unwilling to climb high on the equipment so a visible check will be carried out. Mr. Denny will check when the swing seats will be renewed.
The picnic table has been purchased and installed and looks very nice. Mrs. Walton thanked Mr. Denny for organising this.
Film Night
Mr. Denny reported that at the last film night we had 31 people attend and the film was enjoyed. The next film night will be held on 4th October 2013. It was suggested that Hot Dogs be served before the film – we have somebody who would do this for free. Charge approx £3.00 per hot dog. If it becomes established in the New Year, the parish council would expect some contribution which can be discussed at a later date. It was agreed that we will try this and it will be advertised in the magazine. Mrs. Walton gave thanks to Richard Gedge, Richard Morris, David Denny and all the volunteers for setting the film night up.
Waveney Valleys Neighbourhood Meeting
Mrs. Goose attended this meeting. The meeting was for people to have their say on local matters. Norfolk County Council has some cash available for Health & Equality in some areas. There are brushes and paint free for community halls. The Police will be at Pulham Pennoyers most Wednesdays between 11- 12am. The Litter Pick is ongoing to borrow equipment from SNDC but the competition to receive £250 for your village will not be repeated until next year – date to be arranged.
Clerk has received an email from a lady who lives in Alburgh behind an allotment. She has complained about the fact that there have been bonfires during the day sending smoke into her garden while she has washing outside and she has not been able to allow her children to play outside. Mr. Denny has spoken to the allotment holder and addressed the problem.
Affordable Housing
Mr. Denny reported a little green fence has been erected to try and catch the newts. Norfolk Wildlife had to give up looking for newts because of hot weather but will put the traps back tomorrow as weather is due to change. They hope to finish by end of September all being well.
Mr. Denny has also spoken to Sam Watts from Saffron – the fence is complete waiting for approval for the gates to go up and as from tomorrow they will put a tender package to contractors for the work. Work may start in about 2 months.
Mrs. Beckett has been back to the records office to look in to the naming of the new housing development. 2 names which we came up with are ‘The 3 acre close’ and ‘Mary Chapman close’. The 3 Acre is the name of the field where the housing is going to go. Clerk to ask whether The 3 acre is a feasible name. Thanks to Mrs. Beckett for looking in to this.
Applications received:
Ref: 2013/1202 Low Meadows, Vinegar Lane, Alburgh. Change of use of domestic annexe to holiday let. All councillors approved.
Ref: 2013/1348 Stonylane Farm, Stony Lane, Alburgh. First floor extension, insertion of windows and internal works. All councillors approved.
Decisions received: Ref: 2013/1202 Low Meadows, Vinegar Lane, Alburgh. Approved with conditions.
South Farm – We have written to SNC for a visit. Mrs. Walton has received telephone calls and emails complaining about the noise coming from some of the units at this establishment. Complaints about it getting worse. A neighbour has spoken to the carpenter and he has agreed to stop on Sundays. Mrs. Walton has also visited an elderly neighbour who is also concerned about the constant noise of wood working machinery all day and often well into the evening. The noise prevents him from sitting in his garden and his carers have complained to him about the disturbance. It was agreed that we would write to SNC to express his concerns. Dr. Gray advised on keeping a diary of events and said he will chase this up for us.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20 July and £187.20 August
The Picnic Table and materials £184.66
J Whitton, For work on Millennium Garden, Playing field for the year £558.00
Moviola – For supply of film £79.40
Receipts: £124.00 Film Night
County and District Council News –
Dr Gray reported:
- New recycling contract with Norse – 10 year contract will start next year. We should be able to put a lot more material in green bins, which will include glass bottles and envelopes. We will be notified when this is going to happen – probably middle to end next year.
- Council putting money in to market towns initiative. 4 market towns including Harleston and Diss. This will be to improve market towns and one thing which will be done will be to refurbish the public toilets in each town. More details to follow.
- Later this month council hoping to finalise some local plan documents. Which include the site allocations documents, the new planning policies and the Wymondham area action plan. Long Stratton one will follow in couple of months time.
Public Participation
Clintergate Road could be shut for up to 10 days in September approx the 19th. Signs will go up. Email to the school to notify them.
SAM – It has been noted that early mornings and evenings people are speeding. Although we are doing SAM we feel that people are not taking any notice. We have been doing speed watch for 4 years now and details have been sent but we feel that no action and no prosecutions are being taken and it is disheartening. We feel un-supported and people are taking no notice of our speed watch. Clerk to write to Casualty Reduction Officer and also the Police commissioner. Geoff Doggett suggested putting an article in the Diss Express.
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn informed us that Radio Norfolk’s Treasure Quest came through the village. She will put results on the web site.
To receive items for next agenda
Street Name for Affordable Housing
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 3rd October, 2013.