Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 3rd October, 2013 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton – Chairman
Mr. Denny – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr Morris
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Mrs. D. Beckett
Also attending:
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs. Gedge
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Apologies: Margaret Somerville, County Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the September 2013 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Chairman, as a correct record.
Public Participation – None
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Mr. Denny has been in contact with Richard from Joy Playgrounds and can report that the swing seats are in hand.
The ROSPA report is now due. Richard will organise this. This cost of this will be in the region of £100.00.
Clintergate Road was supposed to have been closed to have 10 telegraph poles erected. This was only closed for one day and then it appears that work was abandoned.
The following will be circulated:
NALC – Annual Report 2012/13
Norfolk RCC Signpost
Greater Norwich Development Partnership
NCC – Norfolk Putting People First consultation
Letter received from Mrs Stothard of 38 The Street, Alburgh. We wrote to them asking them to cut their hedge. Mrs. Walton read the letter out which in summary detailed her boundaries.
Clerk to write letter of acknowledgement to Mrs. Stothard to say that we have made a note of her points.
Christmas Bazaar
The village hall committee are having a Christmas Bazaar on 23rd November starting at 12 noon.
They are offering free tables to village organisations that are entitled to appoint a representative on the village hall committee to sell items and keep the profits.
The Tuesday Group ladies agreed to put the Village Appraisal books and War Memorial booklets on their stall.
The clerk has contacted Janet Overton re: the matter of speeding vehicles and the fact that we do not get any feed back. She states that unless we can recruit another two members to help they will have to look at withdrawing the equipment as part of the scheme is that they have a minimum of 6 volunteers to keep the scheme running and we currently only have 4. Janet has checked the returns submitted and to date this year there have been 6 sessions conducted in 9 months with a total of 36 vehicles captured.
No further news as yet on the SNC grant. Dr. Gray kindly offered to look in to this for us.
Hempnall has a movable speed indicator, i.e. the device flashes your speed as you approach, but the device can be placed in different locations in the village. Clerk to contact Hempnall parish clerk to ask where they got it from, cost and any other information.
Grit Bin
We have received an email from NCC informing us that they are in the process of checking their grit bin records and noticed that we do not have any grit bins. We have requested that we be considered for a bin at Dove Hill. Providing the engineer approves the location and need for a bin, we would need to purchase and install the bin and then the bin will be filled by NCC during each winter season. After discussion it was agreed that a grit bin is not necessary as Dove Hill is gritted.
Playing Field Report
Mr. Renaut did report. All was in good, clean order.
The Hedge needs cutting between the playing field and Mrs. Pearce’s. Mr. Denny will ask Mr. Whitton to do this.
Clerk to order more rubbish bags.
Annual Allotment rents are due 11th October, 2013.
Letter from Mrs. Whitton to say that they do not want to renew their allotment next year. The dates are confusing and Mr. Denny will clarify with Mr. Whitton.
It was agreed to keep all allotment rents the same this year but to notify holders that there may be a small increase next year.
Glass Recycling Area
Mrs Goose spoke to the man who was emptying the glass recycling area and they have taken the shredded paper bin away so we now have all glass containers as before. The paper one was left in error as one of ours was taken away to be repaired. SNC want us to put a large sign on (or paint) to say it is for glass only. It was felt that this was self explanatory and therefore not needed.
Overgrown hedge at The Old Armoury, Dove Hill – Mrs. Walton agreed to speak to the owners about this.
Advertising Signs on A143 – ‘Retro Alley’ signs on the A143 are a distraction as you cannot read them while driving. They are on both sides of the road. Clerk to inform Highways.
Speed restriction re: Station Road – Speed Limit is 40 mph. People who live on the bend wonder if it could be taken down to the bottom of Dove Hill and also can it be reduced to 30mph. It was felt that it would be better to only ask for one thing at a time and extending the speed limit in the first instance would be best. Clerk to ask Highways if they could consider extending existing speed limit to bottom of Dove Hill.
Affordable Housing Street Name – We have received confirmation that ‘Three Acre Close’ or ‘Three Acre Row’ are acceptable. All agreed on ‘Three Acre Row’.
Mr. Denny has received the following information today:
- The newt trapping on the site itself finished yesterday. The temporary newt fence has to remain in place until the houses are complete.
- Frustratingly, Natural England have curtailed the license to October for removing the newts in the ditch to allow the culvert access to be constructed. This means that they need to reapply at the start of the new season next Feb/March 2014 to clear the ditch of newts at the culvert location and build the access on the same day.
- Saffron will do all they can to set everything in place to start the construction as soon
as possible they are permitted by the NE license conditions.
- The land purchase is progressing. Their solicitor is currently awaiting the response from the vendor’s solicitor on the draft transfer document, after which they can proceed to completion. They are unable to say at present on what date completion might take place.
Clerk to write letter to Jacinta Webb of Saffron Housing asking her to send a copy of the letter to the relevant authorities, stating how bitterly disappointed we are at yet another delay and this oversight by an inefficient person has caused another 6 month delay. We are also concerned that the land purchase is not yet completed and could they give us an indication of when this is likely to happen.
Decisions received:
Ref: 2013/1348 – Mr. Stephen Foster, Stony Lane Farm, Stony Lane, Alburgh. Approved with conditions.
South Farm; the planning officer has been out to the barn that used to be used by Goodswens and they have been given until 4th November to put in a planning application for change of use.
We do not know if he has visited all the premises, Dr. Gray will clarify this.
Applications received: None
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20
Norse 6 monthly grounds maintenance charge £190.08
Norfolk RCC Membership £20.00
Creative Arts East £18.00
Receipts: SNC Precept £2,805.50
SNC Adopter Grant £200.00
Mr. Morris mentioned that he has spoken to Kris West who told us that the web site renewal is due. He is not sure of cost at present he thinks approx £12.00. All were happy for this to be paid. Mr. Morris will check with Mr. West and bring an invoice.
County and District Council News –
Dr Gray reported:
Your Neighbourhood Your Choice – There are 9 projects happening for the next 18 months:
They are trying to improve a programme of festive activities in market towns.
Market Town initiative – introducing a free academy to improve local business planning.
SN Communities award – recognise people who have done good in the neighbourhood. E.g. volunteers. Further information will be available shortly but we could think about nominating people in the village.
Pedal Up cycling scheme
Co-ordinating support for families
Street scene scheme – litter free, etc.
Public Participation – None
To receive items for next agenda – None
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.00pm
Mrs. Walton, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 7th November, 2013.