Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 7th February 2013 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. Goose
Mr. Renaut
Also attending:
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs J Gedge
Mrs D Beckett
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
1 member of the public
Mr. R. Morris
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Mrs. K. Love
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the January 2013 meeting were amended and signed by Mr. Denny, Chairman as a correct record.
Public Participation
It was brought to our attention that on the ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ Web site you can get free dog fouling signs.
Fly Tipping – A mattress has been dumped on the field on the left past Clintergate.
An elderly gentleman was on his electric bicycle going through the village when a dog that was not on a lead approached the man. It was suggested that we put the whole story in the magazine and ask for dogs to be kept under control.
Update on Matters arising from previous minutes
Letter received from Alburgh Toddler Group. They are trying to raise funds to buy new safety play mats to create a soft play area for the children. So far they have raised £95 and they are in the process of applying for a grant from SNC. They are asking if we can help in any way. It was felt that at present we could not help financially but to ask them to let us know how they get on applying for the grant. Also to ask them if they have considered increasing their fees, and applying for grants from other charity’s in the village.
Mrs. Goose has now received SAM from South Norfolk and has received data from them. She would like volunteers for the rota. Mike Bentley has said that if we would like to complete a
‘Neighbourhood Funding’ grant form he would look at it for us. Mr. Denny said he would help Mrs. Goose to complete this.
Parish Council Representative on Village Hall Committee
No councillor wished to commit to this role. Mr. Denny asked councillors to have a think before our next meeting to see if anyone from the village would be prepared to do this.
Playing Field Report
Mr. Denny did inspection.
All was clean and tidy.
Open Gardens/Opening of Playing Field
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has 10 people at present who would be happy to open their gardens. Provisional date booked for Sunday 16th June 2012.
Mr. Bentley felt that there would be no problem with inviting ‘officials’ to the opening of the playing field on a Sunday. Mr. Denny felt that Martin Wilby, Cabinet Member could open the playing field. All were happy with this. Discussions on who to invite, how to publicise the event and how the plaques from each group will be dealt with. Further discussions will be held next month.
Playing Field Committee Report/Fundraising.
Mr. Denny has looked in to the ‘Village Screen’. Himself and Richard Gedge are going to attend a training evening (at no cost) next Wednesday where they will find out more information. Councillors were happy for them to do this. They will report back at next meeting and we will have further discussions then.
Applications received:
2012/2255 – White House Barn, Low Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Introduce a staircase to second floor, create a bathroom and cloakroom. Councillors had no objections.
2012/2237 – Westview, 18 The Street, Alburgh. Proposal: Demolish existing extension and garage and replace with new build. Councillors approved but commented on whether a front door on the front of the property has been considered as this would match the neighbouring property.
2013/0044 – Willow Cottage, Low Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Erection of 1 two storey extension/utility room, replacement/refurbishment of old and damaged roof materials.
All councillors approved although there is some ambiguity regarding the garden shed/car port, as there were no plans for these with the other papers.
Mrs. Bernadette Pallister sent an update on the development of Land on Station Road, Alburgh. This has gone in to circulation to all Councillors and all approved of this proposal.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20
Receipts: None
County and District Council News
Mr. Tomkinson reported:
- Icelandic money, now got back approx 21million. Expecting to get back the full 32million.
- Highways Scheme to allow local highways related scheme to be put through. Changed amount of money the parishes now have to pay to 25%.
- A11 is now progressing.
- Enterprise Norfolk – new business start up programme. Money available to help with business start ups.
- Job growth in Hethel.
- Norfolk Skills to provide 400 apprenticeships over the next year.
- A47 is the next road they want to work on.
Dr. Gray in his absence, emailed the following report:
- He has asked the enforcement officers to visit the yard at South Farm but they have not yet had time to do so. He will keep us updated.
- There is a meeting between SNC, the Broads Authority and the National Grid on Monday re: the route for pylons from the North Sea wind turbines.
- As well as grants of up to £2000 from the Council’s Neighbourhood Fund, the Council will have a budget next financial year of at least £100k to fund bigger capital projects.
Joint Meeting
The clerk has contacted David Hook – Representative of the CPRE. He would be happy to do a talk for us. It was agreed to offer him the following two dates: the 18th or 25th April, 2012.
Public Participation
Items for next Agenda
Joint Meeting
Vinegar Lane overgrown with brambles and not usable as a footpath. Clerk to ask Highways.
Last weekend, two four wheel drive vehicles were seen driving from Tunbeck Road, along Stoney Lane , crossing the beck and coming out at Low Ditch Road. There are concerns that maybe they are using this as a fun track and that it may become a sport. Clerk to voice our concerns with Highways.
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.55pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 7th March 2013.