Alburgh Parish Council
Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday 1st November 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in Alburgh Village Hall
Parish Councillors present:
Also attending:
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the October 2012 meeting were signed by Mr. D.Denny, Chairman, as a correct record of this meeting. Mr.Denny thanked Mrs. Walton for chairing the October meeting, and for taking the minutes of this meeting in the absence of the clerk who is unwell.
Public Participation
Mr.Banbury spoke of the email he had sent to the chairman which had been forwarded to all councillors regarding the disposal of surface and foul water at the affordable homes site inDenton. He said that the proposals for the Alburgh affordable homes site are the same, and that the surface water needs to be piped away, and the sewage treatment plant to be located in the south west corner, so that all water drains to the back of the properties and not towards the road.
It was agreed that all councillors would look at the detailed plans, ref 2012/0646, on the SNC web-site and forward their comments to Mr.Denny before the planning committee meeting at SNC on Wednesday 8th.November. Mr.Denny and Mrs.Gladden-Fenn plan to attend the meeting and will bring any comments to SNC’s attention.
Matters arising
The playing field equipment was due to be completed by the end of September, but the contractors have been delayed because of the wet weather. Joy Playgrounds have said they will complete as soon as possible.
The hazard sign near the school has still not been fixed, clerk to chase.
The bus time table near the village hall has been replaced and repaired, but one of the ‘bus times’ is incorrect, clerk to chase.
Mrs.Powys has accepted the allotment.
A letter from Alburgh withDentonschool regarding the problem of parking alongChurch Road, suggested that perhaps a parish councillor would be willing to supervise the parking when the school uses the church, as all staff are in the church supervising children.
We did not agree to this suggestion and will reply to the school saying so and reminding them of the village hall committee’s agreement to parents using the village hall car park to park their cars while they walk their children the rest of the way to school.
Alburgh parochial church council has written to tell us that the war memorial can not be rededicated after its restoration. Prayers were said after the restoration work in thanks for the funds received and for the work done. The memorial was dedicated at the time of its original installation.
Mrs.Goose gave all councillors a speed watch report, stating that we now have a SAM from SNC as well as the camera. She is in discussions with M.Bentley as to whether we need two councillors to stay with the SAM, as only one is needed if we use the police SAM. More volunteers are required to operate Speedwatch.
Dog Fouling
There has been a complaint about dog fouling outside the school. It has been suggested that the school children design and print posters and that they be put near the school. Mrs. Goose will contact SNC for more dog-fouling signs, and Mrs.Gedge mentioned the assistance of a PCSO when there was a similar problem in Earsham. Mrs.Goose will speak to Louise Rout our PCSO. Article to be put in parish magazine again.
Playing field
Mrs.Gladden-Fenn reported that all was in order, and that the playing field had been aerated by spiking. She proposed that in the spring a litter bin be put in the den area under the platform to the aerial runway.
Playing field Committee
Mr.Denny thanked Mr and Mrs Renaut for their efforts with the sports night, when £30 was raised, in spite of a very poor turnout. Clerk to write a letter of thanks.
The finger buffet arrangements for the 17th.November dance were discussed, with offers of savoury food from councillors.
Mrs.Love gave details of the Pamper evening she has arranged for 30th.November.
Millennium Garden Pond
Concerns were expressed about the spreading of the bulrushes in the pond and how to deal with them. Mrs. Walton offered to try to find out how to deal with them in an ecological way and will report back.
School Governor’s report
Ms.Jane Marlow is the nominee forDentonparish council and Alburgh parish council, and reported that the school has 94 pupils, with a total capacity for 101.Over 50% of the children come from villages other than Alburgh orDenton. There are four classes with full time teachers and support staff, a dedicated reception class, and a good attendance record. It is expected that these numbers will remain the same for 2013/14.
Plans for development at the school include a focus on the standards of writing, an outdoor learning area, and children realising what they need to learn. There are three clubs run by volunteers for out of school experiences. The stats results are good, being above the national average.
The governors have a strategic role in the running of the school and make up three committees of health and safety, standards and resources. They monitor school activities but are not involved in the day to day running. At the moment there is a vacancy for a community governor.
The wayNorfolkschools are funded is likely to change in the near future; at the moment the school has a financial surplus. It is expected that greater collaboration with other school within the cluster, the diocese or a wider area will be encouraged.
Mr.Denny thanked her for her comprehensive report.
All councillors had received a copy of the proposed budget and were told that this half year precept of £3,500 had been received in October. It was proposed that the precept be set at £6,000 for 2013/14, all agreed.
The clerk’s salary of £187.20 and the grass cutting invoice of £570 for the year were paid.
District Councillor’s report
Dr.Gray talked of the SNC planning meeting on Wednesday 7th.November, when Alburgh affordable housing and the wind turbines at South Farm are on the agenda, and suggested that we attend after 3.15p.m.
SNC have received over 11,000 comments following consultation on the local development framework, which need to be sifted, so that a report can be produced in due course.
It is expected the SNC’s part of next year’s council tax will be frozen again.
Public participation
Mr.Donno requested that reflective panels be replaced on the corner of Payne’s Hill, near his property, as they have been knocked over by a white bus, clerk to chase.
Mrs. Goose reminded all of the Salvation Army’s attendance in the village hall on December 8th. Monies raised will be for the village hall.
Items for next agenda
Date for official opening of the playing field, with its new equipment.
Mr.Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.05p.m.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh parish council, 1st.November 2012