Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 4th October 2012 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. K. Love
Mrs. Goose
Mr. E. Renaut
Mr. R. Morris
Also attending:
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs J Gedge
Mrs D Beckett
1 Member of the Public
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
Mr. D. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. J. Pearce
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the September 2012 meeting were signed by Mrs. Walton, Vice Chairman in Mr. Denny’s absence as a correct record. Mrs. Walton chaired all of this meeting.
Public Participation
Dr. West said that 2 domain names were registered for the parish council website. One is not used so will not be renewed. The other Alburgh.org is used and due for renewal next year at an approx cost of £11.00.
Matters arising
Mr. Denny has spoken to Richard from Joy Playgrounds re: the bar on the new play equipment that some children have hit their heads on. Richard reported that the bar is a safety requirement but they are aware of the problems it is causing and they are going to soften it to solve the problem.
The Barn Sale held by Mrs. Nelson raised £120.00 for the play equipment. Letter of Thanks to go to Mrs. Nelson.
Highways have now painted ‘School – Keep Clear’ Yellow lines outside the school.
The Bus Time Table has still not been repaired. Clerk to chase again.
Letter received from Melanie Bartrum re: dog fouling. She wishes to bring our attention to the amount of dog fouling along Church Road all the way down to the School Road junction. In recent months it has increased significantly and in the last few weeks it has been worse. This is not nice when parents and children are walking to school.
We have looked in to purchasing bins previously but these proved very expensive, not just for the bin but for emptying it. Clerk to look in to getting some signs. This will also go in to the parish magazine.
Update on Affordable Housing with Peter Ramsdale
Mrs. Walton welcomed Peter Ramsdale who gave us the following update:
The surveys on the land have been done and the properties have been designed. In the course of doing the surveys, great crested newts were found. An ecological survey was undertaken by Norfolk Wildlife Services. The Newts are protected and so we have to provide a better habitat for them; which has to be a designated ‘great crested newt’ habitat. This will involve a great deal more work which involves fencing, catching them and moving them. As the newts are now in hibernation they will not be caught and moved until the Spring. The small piece of land designated for them will have to have a planning application, so that it can never be built on and is for the newts in perpetuity. Peter Ramsdale apologised for the delay, but said his hands are tied by European law. He will send further information by e-mail.
Margaret Bingham has informed us that she does not wish to renew her allotment this year. We have had a request from a lady who would like an allotment, Brenna Powys. The allotment is in a state and needs a lot of work doing on it. It was suggested that Mrs. Powys has this free of charge for the first year.
Playing Field Report
Mr. Renaut did inspection. All was very clean and tidy.
Playing Field Committee Report – Update on fundraising
Pamper Evening has been organised for 30th November 2012.
Mr. Morris mentioned that events are not being advertised on the web site. He offered to be ‘web site co-ordinator’, i.e. he will put events on the web site. People will need to e-mail the information to Mr. Morris.
Dance – ‘Strapt 4 Cash’ to be held on 17th November 2012. Mrs. Goose has tickets for sale.
Opening of Playing Field – It was felt that it would be a good idea to hold the Official opening in the Spring when we have better weather.
A Sports night has been organised for the 12th October 2012 at 7.30pm.
South Norfolk Local Plan Site Specific Allocations & Policies Development Plan
Notification from SNC of Consultation on the next stage of the above document that is taking place between 3rd September and 26th October 2012 and they welcome our views again. All were in agreement to repeat what we agreed in a meeting at Mr. Denny’s house in 2010 and as per minuted in October 2010.
J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20
Mazars Audit for 2012 £162.00
Norse – Grounds Maintenance 6 monthly charge £186.36
Receipts: £6.00 War Memorial booklets
£120.00 proceeds from barn sale to play equipment
Donations: It was agreed to donate £35.00 to the following charities (as last year);
Macmillan, Each, Leonard Cheshire, CAB and Norfolk Accident Rescue.
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray reported:
- The planning application for the wind turbines is due to be held on the 17th October. Dr. Gray expects the recommendation to be refusal on noise grounds and being to close to the nearest properties.
- The district council have bought 5 SAM machines. One is for the Waveney valley area and is available for parish councils to use. Mrs. Goose will contact Mr. Michael Bentley to request use.
Public Participation
When there is a service at the Church to do with the school cars are parked badly so that the bus cannot get through. This is at 9.00am. The Headmaster, Mr Crawley has been informed. Clerk to contact Denton parish council asking them to contact the Headmaster. We will also write to the school and the Anglian Bus company asking them to contact the school.
It was felt it would be nice for the Church to have a re-dedication service and invite those people who donated money towards the restoration of the war memorial. Mrs. Beckett will pass this information on at the next APCC Meeting.
The Hazard warning sign to warn of a ditch near the school car park has still not been fixed. Clerk to chase again.
Dr West brought in a W.I. Scrap Book which he would like to put more pictures in and asked if the parish council would pay for the cost of scanning the pictures as his scanner is not big enough to do larger pictures. We asked for costs which Dr. West said he would get.
Items for next Agenda
Pamper Evening
Dance – to organise refreshments, etc
Report by J. Marlow, school governor
Mrs. Walton thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 1st November 2012.