Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Thursday, 6th September at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. K. Love
Mrs. Goose
Mr. E. Renaut
Also attending:
Mrs. P.Wright
Mrs. J. Pearce
8 Members of the Public
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
Mr. R Morris
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the July 2012 meeting were signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
Public Participation
Matters arising
Norfolk Link
Protect our Paths
Above all in circulation
Alburgh and Denton Pre School Nursery – Invitation to join them in celebrating the Grand Opening of their new pre school building on Saturday, the 8th September 2012. The building will be opened at 12pm by mystery guests.
Parking at the School
The clerk has asked Highways for yellow diagonal lines to be put in front of the school gates. To date we have not had a response. Clerk to chase.
Speed Watch
Mrs Goose reported:
- Somebody had written on one of the portable signs which has been reported to the police. A new one has been received today.
- New sites have been added to Speedwatch/SAM.
- We have SAM for two weeks from 17th September.
- PC Louise Rout will come and do speedwatch with Mrs. Goose on Friday, 7th September and then go to the school afterwards hoping to look at the parking outside and speak to the head.
Playing Field Report
Mr. Morris did inspection and so unfortunately in his absence we have no report.
Mrs. Walton did inspection the month before and all was in good order.
Mr. Renaut mentioned that the Hedge between the playing field and Mrs. Pearce’s needs trimming. Mr. Denny will organise this.
Repairs to Bench – the varnish is coming off and it is starting to rot in places. Mr. Denny felt we have two choices; to repair it over the winter or replace it with a picnic table. The plaque would be taken off the bench and put on new one.
Mrs. Goose will ask Mrs. Seaman about replacing the bench before we do anything.
Mrs. Walton will put an item in the magazine to see if anyone would like to offer to repair the bench out of kindness. We have the stain for this.
Playing Field Committee Report – Update on fundraising
Phase 1 and 2 are both completed and paid for. Total paid including VAT is £35,034. Phase 3 is outstanding which should be completed shortly and the total for this will be £4,704.00 including VAT. Mrs. Love mentioned that one of the bars needs to be looked at as a few children have hit their heads on it as it is ‘child head’ height. Mr. Denny will mention this to Richard. Apart from this, there have been no complaints and the playing field has been used a great deal and a lot of enjoyment is being had.
Dance – ‘Strapt 4 Cash’ to be held on 17th November 2012. Mrs. Goose has tickets for sale.
Mrs. Nelson is holding a barn sale on 22nd September 2012 the proceeds of which will be split – half to go to the church and half to the playing field.
Opening of Playing Field – before this can take place we need a date from Joy Playgrounds as to when work is going to be finished. Mr. Denny will try and get a date and asked councillors to think about what sort of event to hold and to come back with thoughts at next meeting.
A Sports night is being organised for the 12th October 2012 at 7.30pm.
Mrs. Love will also organise a ‘Pamper night’ for possibly the 7th December 2012.
Applications received:
Saffron Housing Trust, 2 & 3 Doggett Terrace, The Street, Alburgh. Proposal: To fit an insulated rendering system to the external envelope of the properties. Councillors approved but felt it would look a bit odd in the middle of four houses.
Decisions received:
Mr Michael Watts, Burlingham Lodge Farm, Broad Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Steel framed extension of agricultural storage building. Approved with conditions.
Mr. N. Bond, South Farm, Tunbeck Road, Alburgh. Proposal: Installation of photovoltanic PV in ground mounted paddock area. Approved with conditions.
Wind Turbines amended proposal, South Farm, Alburgh.
Mrs. Walton has had a lot of visits from residents in her neighbouring area objecting to these. Martin Beckett of Piccadilly Cottage has written a letter of objection to South Norfolk, which parishioners attending the meeting tonight agreed with. The main points being the effect on wildlife, the detrimental visual impact and the noise disturbance to people in the neighbouring properties and the road safety issues. There is also a concern that a precedent might be set.
It was decided, after listening to parishioners comments that we object to the planning application and request that South Norfolk Council make a site visit if there is any doubt about them not rejecting this application.
Update on affordable housing
Peter Ramsdale is in discussion with Norfolk Wildlife services to sort the newt situation. They want another piece of land for the newts to go to. Mrs. Walton felt very strongly that this is a delaying tactic and that we should write a letter as this has been going on a very long while and we have people in the village waiting for housing.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20 x 2 for months July and August 2012
Came & Company – Additional Insurance premium £79.30. This is for increasing the sum insured on the play equipment to a total of £35,000.
Joy Playgrounds balance for Phase 1 £19,759.50.
Joy Playgrounds Phase 2 £8,688.00
Receipts: Hmr&c – VAT repayment £640.57 for the year 2011/12
Hmr&c – VAT repayment £4,391.00 for Phase 1 of new play equipment
SNC – Recycling Adopter payment £200.00
County and District Council News
Dr. Gray in his absence emailed the following report:
- He has been contacted by residents at Piccadilly corner about the wind turbines application and he is in discussion with them.
- No further news about the affordable housing planning application.
- The consultation on the proposed housing allocation sites and changes to development boundaries is taking place from 3 September to 26 October. There is an exhibition on this from 3 – 7pm on Monday, 17th September in the Swan Hotel, Harleston.
Mr. Tomkinson in his absence emailed the following report:
He suggests that we may like a visit to the County Call centre and may be able to include the traffic control room although this would have to be very early in the morning. All councillors felt this would be a good idea. Clerk to ask Mr. Tomkinson for some dates.
Public Participation
The Bus Stop time table signs needs repairing. Clerk to report.
Items for next Agenda
Fund raising events – Dance and Pamper evening.
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.50pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 4th October 2012.