Minutes of the AGM and meeting held on Thursday, 3rd May, 2012 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mrs. K. Love
Mr. E. Renaut
Mrs. Goose
Mr. R. Morris
Also attending:
Mrs. Gedge
Mrs. P.Wright
4 Members of the Public
Dr. M. Gray, District Councillor
Mr. T. Tomkinson, County Councillor
Election of Chairman
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn proposed Mr. Denny continue as chairman, seconded Mrs. Goose. All in favour. Mr. Denny gave his thanks to all parish councillors. Mr. Denny signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Election of Vice Chairman
Mrs. Goose proposed Mrs. Walton continue as vice chairman, seconded Mr. Morris. All in favour. Mr. Denny gave thanks to Mrs. Walton.
Minutes of the last council meeting
The minutes of the April 2012 meeting were amended and signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
No declaration of interest from members was declared.
Public Participation
Mrs. Gedge has read an article on ‘Protect our Paths, – where due to cut backs the council want parish councils and the public to get more involved in reporting problems. A Meeting is being held at Loddon on 17th May at 2.00pm to find out more. Mr and Mrs. Gedge said they would be happy to go and report back. Mr. Denny gave thanks to Mrs. Gedge.
Matters arising
Mrs. Walton and Mr. Denny gave Thanks to Murray Gray for his support on the planning application of Mill Road at the planning meeting.
Mr. Denny has asked Mr. Whitton to trim the hedge on the playing field and the hedge in the garden.
The Bus Time table still needs replacing. Clerk to chase.
Norfolk Link
Norfolk Playing Fields Ass Magazine
Above in circulation
Letter received from Alburgh with Denton VC Primary School – This year they would again like to present their Year 6 leavers with a Bible. As in previous years they are asking if we would like to donate to half the cost along with Denton Parish Council. The School would purchase the bibles and then charge us 50% of the total price. The total price being in the region of £140.00. All parish councillors were in agreement with this.
Request from Mr. J. Bond – Mr. Bond wanted to put a stone in the churchyard in memory of his parents. There are no remains as their bodies went to medical science. He has asked Mr. Bob Flatt who has said no to this. Mr. Bond then asks if he could put a seat in the playing field or the garden in their memory. All parish councillors had no objection to a bench but discussed the best place for this to go and to also confirm that Mr. Bond would pay for this. Mrs. Goose will speak to Mr. Bond.
Speed Watch/SAM Report
Mrs. Goose reported we have now had SAM for 2 weeks and this is now easy to use. All data goes back to head quarters. There have been problems with one person who has been caught 4 times. Mrs. Goose has notified PC Tim Tyler who has said he will have a word with this person.
Playing Field Report
Mrs. Goose reported. All was in good order.
The wire around the Tennis court was hanging down. Mrs. Goose has told them about this.
Two bags of bottles were just left and not put in bank.
Playing Field Committee Report – Update on fundraising
Allocated at the moment:
£2,996.58 from fund raising
£1,000 from precept
£2,000 from South Norfolk
£10,000 from Awards for All
£5,000 from Norfolk Community Foundation
£870 from Adnams
£5,000 from parish council
Total at moment £26,866.58
We now have sufficient funds to commission Phase 1 of the Play Area. Phase 1 consists of most of the new play equipment totalling £21,955.00. Work is due to commence Wednesday, 6th June 2012. A 25% deposit is required which amounts to £5,488.75 payable 7th May, 2012.
Phase 2 of the project includes the Zip Wire and repair and renew of existing equipment, totalling £11,190.00.
Above prices quoted are exclusive of VAT at 20%.
Discussions on whether we should ask for a reduction on the total price. Mr. Denny has spoken to Mike Bentley about this and he thinks that we already have a good fair price. Mr. Denny said that he will speak again and see what he can do. All councillors were happy for the deposit to be paid.
Applications received: Mr. & Mrs. Gedge, Pied Bridge Cottage, Burntoak Lane, Alburgh. Replacement of existing polycarbonate roof with tiled roof incorporating clear sky light windows. Councillors had no objections.
Affordable Housing: Councillors had no objections. But would prefer for there to be separate porches (of which Mrs. Walton took a photograph of an existing one) and would prefer norfolk pantiles to reflect the rural nature of the properties.
3 members of the public asked questions on the affordable housing and discussions took place with them and Mr. Denny and Dr. Gray. The outcome of this is that Dr. Gray will ask for it to come to committee.
Decisions received: None
Jubilee Committee report
Letter received from Mrs. Jean Syrett, Assistant Treasurer for Alburgh Jubilee Committee. She asks if it would be possible to have a photograph of all present parish council members as they are doing a display of 60 years of changes in Alburgh. She also asked if some of the photographs could be scanned from the Appraisal Book and if the Book could be on display. No councillors had any objections to these. She also asks if we have any record of who the parish council members were in 1952 for display. Mrs. Beckett said she may have a record of this and will look.
Mrs. Goose updated us on their meeting to be held on 8th May to finalise details. They have received £100 from SNC and are expecting £100 from NCC.
Parish Meeting
Reminder that this is being held on Thursday, the 10th May at 7.30pm. Refreshments will be provided.
Future of Rose Garden in Millennium Garden – The roses in there are not surviving very well at the moment. Mr. Bob Flatt had a rose in there which was planted for his wife – he has now removed the rose and taken it home. Mr. Denny has had an offer from Claudette; she would like to take plot of land over and plant it with B friendly plants. All were happy for her to do this.
Mrs. Walton said that Colin Walton is happy to do a plaque for the Oak Tree and Jubilee rose to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
Discussion on where to plant the rose as the Garden is very wet at the moment so there are not a lot of places it can be planted. The driest spot seems to be the plot away from hedge all very happy with this.
Payments: J Ellis, clerk salary £187.20
Norfolk Playing Fields Ass Subscription 2012/13 £20.00
Waterfield & Sons Ltd, £10,800.00 for resurfacing the car park at the village hall.
Receipts: SNC Precept £3,500.00
Adnams Charity £870.00
County and District Council News
Mr. Tomkinson reported:
Parish council visit to Costessey – this can be held week commencing 11th June. It was decided this would be Monday 11th June at 2pm.
Dr. Gray reported:
Reminder of Joint Parish Meeting to be held on the 14th May at Wortwell Community Centre.
Public Participation
Clerk to put minutes on parish council web site.
Items for next Agenda – None
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.00pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 7th June 2012.