Minutes of a meeting held on Thursday, 10th February, 2011 at 7.30pm in Alburgh Village Hall.
Parish Councillors present:
Mr. Denny (Chairman)
Mrs. R. Walton (Vice Chairman)
Mrs. P. Goose
Mrs. Gladden-Fenn
Mr. R. Morris
Mrs. K. Love
Also attending:
Mrs. J. Pearce
District councillor, Dr.M.Gray
County councillor, Mr. T. Tomkinson
4 members of the public
Apologies: Mr. E. Renaut
Mr Denny gave thanks to all who attended the Record Office today. Everybody had an enjoyable afternoon. Mr. Tomkinson suggested that next time we could consider a visit to the Recycling Centre at Costessey.
Public participation
Jill Gedge has taken on the role of Support volunteer at Harleston Police Station. She is representing Gemma Gray tonight. Gemma will be doing a talk at the School about speeding. As yet there are no leads on the lead that was stolen from the village hall.
Signing of the Minutes
The minutes of the January 2011 meeting were signed by Mr. D Denny, the Chairman as a correct record.
Matter arising
Gritting at the School – Parents of pupils at the School are going to get a petition started. Mr. Tomkinson said that School Road, unfortunately did not conform with the requirements of a Priority 1 gritting route. Mr. Tomkinson will continue to support and continue fighting to try to get this a priority 1 route for next year. He also said that it would help if the Police could support this. To go on June Agenda.
Norfolk Playing Fields Ass Newsletter
Above all in circulation
Letter from John Whitton, who does the grass cutting. Due to the increase in fuel prices he would like to increase his hourly rate from £10.00 to £11.00. All were in agreement with this.
Letter from Jane Pearce, Coordinator of Alburgh HomeWatch, informing us that lead flashing (around 30ft long) has been stolen from the roof of the Village Hall.
Letter from SNC Re: Scoping Opinion for potential development of two 11kw Wind Turbines (24.5m to blade tip) at Hill Farm, Redenhall Road, Harleston. A scoping opinion is not a planning application it is just to consult us on our opinion and the impact of the proposed wind turbines. They give us a list of potentially significant issues. We could not think of any more. Mrs. Walton suggested that we ask if we could go and see one that is already installed so that we could look at it to see how we feel about it.
Speed Watch
Mrs. Goose reported that all was going well. She would like to recruit another two or three volunteers and will put a notice in the magazine.
Maintaining Public Rights of Way/Council Cutbacks
Mr. Morris spoke about his concerns on the many Council Cutbacks.
Mr. Tomkinson reported:
- He does now know what the NCC cuts are going to be. There is a budget meeting being held on Monday when he will know more.
- He does know about some changes, following the ‘Big Consultation’, some of which are that they are not cutting school crossing patrols, there are changes being made to the Park and Ride, the eligibility criteria for social care will not be changed.
- They have got to save 155 million pounds over the next 3 years.
- Council tax will stay level.
- He spoke about the ‘damping formula’; taking money away from the councils and giving it to the countys in the North of the country. They say that we are better off than they are.
- They are 29 million pounds down and wish to cover most of this by redundancies and asking councils to do local things so that other cuts do not have to be made.
Dr. Gray reported:
- SNC runs on a lower budget of 14 million.
- They have cut their budget mainly through more efficient running costs.
- There will be no redundancies.
- Efficient running costs of council and using reserves.
- Can freeze council tax which should mean that it will not go up by a lot.
- Further cuts in the coming 3 years.
- Talking to other councils about sharing services.
Re: The motion to put a crossroads in at Hempnall. SNC have received a letter from NCC; this ranks 21st and there have not been enough accidents there to justify it. The cost is 2.5 million to build a roundabout so not very hopeful.
‘Safer Neighbourhood Panel’ meetings have not been very successful. The council, in consultation with the Police, are looking at how meetings could be improved. There is a Trial scheme going to happen, involving mini conferences and drop in sessions. One was held at Dickleburgh this afternoon which Dr. Gray attended. Gary Overland from Highways was there and had some gritting leaflets with him. Dr. Gray spoke to him about School Road and he made a note.
NCC; Maintaining the street scene and Public Rights of Way – Councillors completed the ‘expression of interest’ form.
Open Gardens
It has been suggested that we have an Open Garden day. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn has visited other villages which have had an Open Garden day and thought this was something we could consider. All councillors felt this was a good idea. Mrs. Gladden-Fenn said that she would take on organising this and report back at the next meeting with her ideas. To go on next Agenda.
Ref: 2010/1934 Mr. Paul Whymark, North Barn, Mill Road, Alburgh. Approved with conditions.
Playing Field
Mr. Morris did inspection. All was in good order.
As Spring is approaching the Picnic table needs to be replaced. Mr. Denny will get quotes for the next meeting.
New Equipment – Mike Bentley was pleased with the response from the school and is going to see what equipment is available from manufacturers.
Combined Dance with Alburgh Village Hall
This is being held to raise money for the Village Hall and new play equipment. Tickets were given to Councillors for them to sell.
Payments: LPD Computer Services, to attend to printer plus Ink £65.36
Receipts: None
Any Other Business
District & Parish Elections are due to be held on the 5th May, 2011.
Anti Virus – the laptop anti virus needs renewing. Richard Gedge suggested using a free one and will e-mail the clerk with a couple of links.
Mrs. Walton felt that people in the village should know what the charities in the village are used for. She would be happy to write a piece in the parish magazine to tell parishioners what the charities do so that people are aware. All felt this was a good idea. Mrs. Walton and the clerk will liase over this and organise.
Letter of thanks to go to Record Office.
Public participation
Phyllis Wright said that she has heard that if you travel on a bus before 9.30am that you will have to pay a bus fare. The bus leaves Alburgh at 9.07am so passengers will have no choice. Mr. Tomkinson said there is a possibility of change but he does not know what this is for definite.
Mr. Denny thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.05pm.
Mr.Denny, Chairman Alburgh Parish Council, 3rd March, 2011.